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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. oooch idk if i should be happy, or kinda inslulted. thanks either way
  2. subs_55

    feel the music

    this is one of my favs. just because of what it represnts. idk if its my best or any good, ill let you decide. C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26882-64.jpg
  3. i agree this one is better. i did like your idea with the space in ther corner but it didnt work out right.
  4. ok i thought of this idea, insread of making (over used, over rated) sigs, large pictures whit no (real use), or desk top backgrounds. why not make cell phone backgrounds? there are plenty of people with cell phones so why not? well it just an idea. i slaped together an example. If anyone ones to try it out my cell has a 3x4 ratio, or best picture is 1280x 960 i belive. i scalled it down so that it didnt explode on the page. here it is, C&C if you wish but the point in this post is to introduce my new idea. CELLGROUNDS! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26750-69.jpg note: the location of the focal in this is placed so that it better works with my phone. you may want to consider the location of displays on your phones screen before you go through the work of making one.
  5. idk what is better i just find that render/stock/i really dont care what ya want to call it, is really awkward
  6. i played it very little before but id never try it again. there are so many other games out there that are better. i know i havent played it much but i value the opinions of my freinds. if you go google free mmorpgs you find hundreds that are very good, some are just plain amazing. if i had a better laptop, that what id be doing.
  7. well thats nice to know, now im able to say stupid stuff like "well, that was orgasmic" after i sneeze. also i findi t od that i have a orgasim in public on a regular basis and it is considered normal.
  8. i like it man, one thing though, im not sure if grey in the corner there is right. it should kinda go with part of the bg, it just kinda looks plain. but dont get me wrong im not talking continues the bg or fill sapce waht i mean is just make it a better color to help it out, maybe some minor effects, ripple for example.
  9. thats pretty decent on the nice scale. idk about the b&w, and the renders body ( i think its his body) is kinda weird looking but thats just my opinion, i do not know if it was intentional, accedental or thats how the render was.
  10. wana know why this guy i automatically on my imaginary list of heros? because he likes simple, and makes it look good. who really cares if it isnt blured to crapi could care less. i like to be able to clearly see what im looking at , not just the "most important" why is it such a bad thing that its easily viewable and that your not forced to see one thing? i really dont get it.
  11. c ya bro! when you get back i will be 16 wooot!
  12. dont make fun of me! lol at my old school there where 3 "legends" on how i got that nick name i still dont know which is true, or if any are. its weird when little kids know you by your nickname, an ya never have seen them before =/
  13. thats cool man. im to fat, lazy, geeky, boring, scared, cheap with money, and not cool enough to do any of that stuff. but congrads to you thats a great acomplishment.
  14. i pm'ed you my msn. thanks for the offer to help i really apreciate it.
  15. ok are you like WAY past bored or what? ive seen quite afew random topics by you normally refering to a wake board. it must be pretty sweet, ive never gone before so i wouldnt know. you can make me awsome at GFX if your bored. naw, nvm i dont think thats possible.
  16. lucky guy, ive got an old 91 silver aniversry lx mustang. needs a bit of work, but it runs great even in -40 c, or f i think they are the same.
  17. ok are you serious or are you jsut trying to get attention? i dont really know you but why would ya leave us? did i scare you?
  18. Thanks, I also like my gfx simple because I'm good at simple . It was never ment to be something amazing. It was ment to be something easy and effective. I meant no harm. Holy *. it doesnt *&@#@@ matter critique much? i like it at least he can make an avy taht has something to do with ibotmodz plus he did not say it was going to be amazing gerrsdarxr (random typing so you know i am serious) grrr -Legacy You need to chill too. ok im going to teach you a life lesson. when reading text it is hard to tell someones emotions behind that text. when you assume there being a jerk that make you look like a jerk when really you may be joking or not as seroius as it seams. one of my freinds is having gf problems becasue of this very thing, they talk on msn, and the samething happens. it is pointless to get mad, there was no harm done and i dont think anyone was actually mad. not before you try and assume that im mad or not, im not. ive just noticed that you do this alot and it makes you look bad, getting you into arguements, locking topics, an making the site look bad. ok ive put in my 2 cents, sorry for killing the mood. GFX FTW WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!
  19. subs_55

    Peace out

    nooooo! man!!!!! we need some one wtih pure pwnage to kick these noobs faces in! we have to show them we don surender!!! we have to fight for all that is not noobish!!! who is with me!!!!?
  20. you got a WAVEBOARD!!!!!! lol i saw your other topic. im kinda hurt, arent i fun............. it hurts... right here <3
  21. omfg are you for real!!? that it sooooo awsome lmao. jk man that pretty sweet.
  22. ok man, i will like to welcome you to my imaginary list of heros. you have some of the sweetest GFX skills ive seen. now idk if you know this but i have recently started this GFX stuff and i could use advice. it would be highly apreciated. i have lots posted on this site and you can ask anyone currently active with GFX about me. ofcourse my stuff is pretty newbish. thanks if you can help me out if not your still on the list. lol EDIT: i just relized that it sounds like in sucking up to you. if it does im sorry, i just respect someone with good GFX skills
  23. sorta agree with the ppl above. i reconize the render though, someone made a pic out of it.... cant remmeber who. the light source is from some glowing energy in his hands but because of how the render was cropped you cant see.
  24. its kinda cool to have that in a tut but isnt really needed, just got gamefaqs or something and it tells you. but still the idea did hurt, a liitle bit of humor helps aswell. "a long.... jucicy.... cock-able shot gun" lmao
  25. im sorry if im not a halo fanboy that gives into hype. next time ill jump on the media and gossip train and ride it to the end of the world. just to tell you not everyone is addicted to halo. im not trying to be rude i just though it needed to be said.
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