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Everything posted by blacklabelfosho

  1. lol duh *hits self in forehead*
  2. why use tags? you can just download FORGE and you can just find the equip you want to change and select the new SCEN or WEAP or w/e you want. then save, then rehash, resign. dont need tags no more...
  3. chimera. they can sense enemies around walls and run hella fast in that mode. chimera would pwn all of em.
  4. lol i didn't know the wheel could pop off in that game lol!
  5. im really interested in seeing this game modded. i am playing it on veteran and I believe this is one of the harder RE's i've played in a LONG time... and extra cash would make the game much easier.
  6. blacklabelfosho

    PS3 ID's

  7. Is my webbrowser not loading img's? or did this just be another spam topic? im not sure so im going to leave it open.
  8. lol i dnno wtf you did, but that has nothing to do with me. i don't have ACP so i cannot alter the shout flooder in any way maybe you should not flood the cbox and this wouldn't happen huh?
  9. spargas... anyone ever tell you, you look like a child molester? jk jk
  10. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/****.jpg lol
  11. i liked it so much i decided to try my own great job caratti http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Killzone_bests.png
  12. would you take 3 seconds to pay attention please??? peaches posted that at 7:14 and Caratti edited the post (TO ADD THE RENDER) at 7:17 way to go
  13. thank you guys for helpin this kid out closed
  14. you can only get recon in films... just don't ask. closing to stop flaming
  15. i didn't really know... kinda just added the white outer edges to show that it changed... i didn't know what you really wanted lol
  16. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Flag-1.png theres a 360 one? (2k posts ftw)
  17. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/Flag.png made a smiley face one just for fun
  18. lol, someone is prolly taking calculus in high school and found a way to piss off his calculator, and thought he would do the same to ppl on here
  19. futurama = funny sh!t hypnotoad = ehh... s'aight
  20. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/clicker.png very VERY cool find. i love it. this is my fraternity crest and i made it for all my brothers laptops left is normal. right is hover. i didn't do the clicked bc it goes by so quickly i didn't see a point in doing a third one again great find
  21. blacklabelfosho


    wow i really like it 9.8/10 great job
  22. blacklabelfosho


    ... wft?
  23. i agree with matty0. vista isn't terrible, it's just a step down from xp. It has a lot of extra gadgets and gizmos that the normal laptop user would like, but for power users, (like most people on this site) it just runs too slow bc of all the extra crap running in the background got a lot of flashy software that makes it look like they upgraded it so much, but really if u just like the interface w/o all the extra crap, look for software downloads for specific things. most of the overlays that Vista comes with is now downloadable for XP if you like the start menu of vista more than the xp start menu, just go find the start bar converter, i know its out there, had it for a couple months myself.
  24. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y75/la_migra_okay/desktop-1.jpg I dnt like lots o crap on teh desktop. 4chan BG FTW
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