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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Yeah we have like two weeks left and THEN we have playoffs, witch I will be missing now
  2. I broke my ankle. I am out for the rest of the Lax season
  3. Sweet cant wait Steven. Let me know if you need any help.
  4. I bought it used from a friend I dont have any of the software that came with it. do I need that?
  5. Ok I got my PSP But when ever I hook up my usb cable to my computer from my psp I cannot find the location of my psp on my computer. Can any of you guys help?
  6. You can use it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13649-118.png http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/6568/gwpgothic327ak4.png
  7. I am going to Mod the @#%$ outta mine
  8. Laxmonster54♥

    New LP

    C+C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13615-121.jpg
  9. I'm getting one tomorrow
  10. lol Damn I wish I saw this earlier. I seriously left my phone out in the rain and it wont turn on O well I have insurance....
  11. This is the only reason I regret selling my xbox. My friend is going to buy it and we have come to a agreement that I can beat it first by myself. I grew up with this game its like what pong is to our parents. I need to play and beat this game. I remember when San Andres came out. I played for 16 hours straight with out sleep. I love the game play and I love the action and Most of all I love roaming the city!
  12. Lol i know I wanted to be even more abstract with abstract spelling. LOL thats pretty funny. Very creative. you get a 10/10 for that!
  13. poor boy.... hes so dumb he will never make it, plus he doesn't know how to use periods. Thats a run on sentence.
  14. Its good. I agree 100% with Black. The only thing I am going to say is don't get use to using Lens flares as your light source. Its ok for now but if you want to improve I would recommend using radial gradients and photofilters to get a better light. still a good sig.
  15. The first one is kinda cool. But do what peaches said. plus you spelled abstract wrong lol
  16. Laxmonster54♥


    Yeah stay and invite all of your friends its going to be epic and welcome to the site
  17. Constructive criticism. lol thank you for looking. appreciate it..
  18. Seven views and no comments???? wow.
  19. C+C http://laxmonster54.deviantart.com/art/Blue-moon-83903729
  20. I like it the way it is. But I wish GFX team had a cooler color
  21. Laxmonster54♥


    He has to Be cheating. There is no way possible for him to be able to do that for that long! Simple as that.
  22. cool....
  23. I know that Dice plays alot but I have no idea what else he does with it.
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