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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. go for it
  2. OMG i wish i still had a xbox. i agree i think the skin could better, its a little boring. otherwise its amazing
  3. Heres a one for 1000 post award http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18582-516.png pm me for psd
  4. me and melo could collab on a new banner
  5. what if i made a really sexy one???
  6. i know loads of people that would join but they say its not worth it because its mostly modding stuff. i think we should be more versatile so that more member will join.
  7. I played Line rider on a smart bored the other day? it was epic
  8. looks good keep it up. I want to see more GFX on this site
  9. Yep I defiantly spent alot of time on Movie forumz. I left because the started being natzis and making me pay for there stolen s*** lol your not to ban though. I would like to see more plz
  10. lol just go to your doc or go to a drug store and they will have wrist thingys
  11. good man! i play lacrosse instead of gay wow
  12. w w!!!
  13. wow ruins lives. dont play. im serious..... i will be upset.
  14. random quote of the day award....
  15. OMG on screen key bored sucks!!!
  16. I may be offline for a few days because I broke my computer. I have no idea how it happened but the key bored wont work. I tried different key boreds and none of them work. there is a guy coming to pick up my computer and work on it. so it could be like a week before Im on again. I am going to try to finis my other computer so I can use it but I still have a lot of work to do on it. Melo is in charge of GFX until I get Back. if you have Questions ask him. I trust him -Lax.
  17. -Sin city -Death proof -Pulp fiction -Iron Man -Joe dirt -Austin Powers -Rambo -An american crime -SLC punk -Anarchist cook book -Sweeny todd -Saw 1-4 -Reno 911 -Shoot em up -scary movie -Simpsons -Black hawk down -Saving private Ryan -Pearl Harbor -Walk the line In no order
  18. I use CS2 Photoshop CS4 does not exist yet.......
  19. Damn that was good. It made me a little dizzie though....
  20. I play LOTS of Lacrosse, Hang out with my Girlfriend and friends and play around in Photoshop.
  21. He used a stock. It comes in his stock pack. looks good
  22. anyone have a code so I can register?
  23. Movieforumz.net And its 50 Dollars a year or something close to that. they have "different packages"
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