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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. Easily one of the funnest movies I have ever seen. Its a huge stoner movie too. I saw the premier and it was amazing. Just dont see it with your parents.
  2. flash is pretty majesty..... I like it
  3. I HATE emo/scene People........ :rant: :rant: :rant:
  4. ill teach everyone. lol I dont care......
  5. stay on MSN Ill teach you some more stuff. I dont want yo to quit. Maybe you should learn how to make new things. you will never be able to get anything out of sigs. You can start web design and other things in that nature. Thats what Im starting to do. I made the iMedia Skin. just stay in touch. I like you.....
  6. Damn steven.... lol. that was mean.
  7. Who ever hacked us got a list of all of the ussers and there passwords. those accounts have been being used be several different hackers. Get why we want you to change your pass????
  8. I hope it does come out on PC. cool find
  9. thats because its rumble pit....
  10. if they haven't changed there pass they will be banned. that doesnt mean change it and then change it back a week later. lol
  11. http://img379.imageshack.us/img379/2645/wallpaperma1.jpg
  12. looks good. the only thing that bothers me is his shoulder. I think you could have lowered the opacity a little more. it just loks kinda bulky. the rest is great. KIU
  13. I know but I am 99.9% sure its noodle still. Hes trying to hard to act like a six year old.
  14. O_O thats awesome
  15. I like the first one. its a great concept and you pulled it off well. I wouldnt change a thing. but the second sig Needs a lot IMO. It just looks novice. its like something I would make. I know your better then that. I dont really know what else to say because Im horrible at GFX.
  16. Anymore CnC?
  17. Im still pretty sure its noodle. Its something he would do.
  18. Here you go stock: http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/music/Coldplay_3.jpg C4D's: http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/9766/concept12wt6.png http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/3976/concept9ud1.png
  19. That and hes lieing. its really noodle Hes not six. I thought it was from the start but i didnt say anything.... I just checked his IP. its the exact same as noodles.......
  20. here you go. please comment on my deviant page also. Coldplay tutorial http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs31/f/2008/212/e/3/ColdPlay_tag_tutorial_by_Laxmonster54.jpg
  21. Can I get some More CnC?????
  22. Cnc please. If you guys like it i can make a tutorial on it http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/7577/coldplaynv6.png and with the border http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/3815/coldplaywithborderhw3.png
  23. Laxmonster54♥


    ill work on one when I get the chance. would you like a sig tut?
  24. Health Ledger made the joker into the best villein of all time. It beats all villeins even the ones in other movies. I saw the primer at midnight and it was AMAZING. I have seen it four times already and it just gets better.
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