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Everything posted by MFone

  1. I just posted it. Thanks for reminding me.
  2. Looks pretty good from what the pictures can tell.
  3. MFone

    MM Glitch

    If there isn't a tut. I don't think it would be considered a glitch.
  4. Ok Nielsss, that may be true, but if you made a list and were going to possibly get people banned would you tell the truth if someone asked?
  5. Its probably from xboxtampers because I posted it there also.
  6. Man that post looks familiar. Hmm if anyone knows where I seen this before tell me. Edit: I found it here is the link viewtopic.php?f=114&t=3107
  7. What happened? I thought you had someone who resigned for you?
  8. nuklear what do you mean "I" tricked a lot of people?
  9. Wow just wow, lol. Right now I am waiting for bungie to supposedly ban me. Cuz when they do, that resigner is getting RELEASED.
  10. Lol smart thinking tyler.
  11. Partially made by William of XboxTampers. This is a warning to everyone! The following people are being banned from XBL within a month: ShotSpartin1177 MrTwiggy101 PimpinTyler Ambio H3 Pyro Dakaosguy024 KSI Carbon Core x133783457x Nox13666 MFone Don't believe me here is the story: Bungie told Anthony to warn everyone not to mod anymore, but only SligStorm, Quickkill, Lt Boso, Shade4510, and Th3 M41n dud3 listened. Microsoft and Bungie asked Anthony for a list of current modders so they can Console Ban. He made a list and sent it to them last night. He did it supposedly so he wouldn't get in trouble. If you dont belive me, ask Ambio, Pimpin Tyler or even Anthony. They were all rite there when me and Anthony told them. Also you can ask Natedog he was in party when it was 1st sent. My conclusion. If everyone starts modding, then you will save these people. You may not like some of them but I know that there is at least 1 person there that you don't want to be banned. So how do we help you may ask. RELEASE THE CON RESIGNER this will cause an overload of modding and will then make it so everyone could mod, meaning better mods will come out and then Bungie won't ban everyone bcause they would lose to much money
  12. Lol, I know.
  13. Nothing out of the ordinary, it was just a test. However, our next test to be released is that we put another blackout map on blackout. Then we could have blackout wars. lol
  14. Idk it is the clan that me, swimmer khaos, carbon core, and our resigner made.
  15. MFones Modded Map Pics Link- http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShar...tag=KKx%20MFone ~Blackout(Test) Author- MFone Link- http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36574132 ~Narrows Author- MFone Link- http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3...fileid=36917293 ~The Pit Author- MFone Link- None Yet ~Guardian Author- MFone Link- None Yet ~Avalanche(Halo Wars) Author- KSI Carbon Core Link- http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=36742800 ~Snowbound(Test) Author- KSI Carbon Core Link- None Yet ~High Ground(Ammo) Author- II Swimmer II Link- None Yet ~Avalanche(Turrets) Author- II Swimmer II Link- http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx ... d=36491361 ~Sandtrap(Frigate) Author- II Swimmer II Link- None Yet
  16. As of now to put the whole AA wraith in a map it is impossible.
  17. I was in the party when that guy made that pic. Next he is going to take a picture of MC and switch the body of it to a girl lol.
  18. The crates were supposed to be but they didn't work correctly.
  19. Ok I just edited that and the narrows mod in. Thanks for telling me.
  20. Update:5/23/08 ~Added Foundry Maze Easy(AllStar Mods) ~Added Foundry Maze Hard(Allstar Mods) ~Added Guardian Mod( xTyler iz ill) ~Added Foundry Maze gametype(AllStar Mods) Thats all updates this Morning. ~MFone
  21. Thanks Peaches.
  22. He woodly you wrote scary lil bot, its supposed to be boy.
  23. I just fixed the links.
  24. MFones Random Moments ~MC Skating ~MC Splattered ~MC Halloween ~MC On Phone ~MC Gold ~My Rank ~ Saying Hi If anyone wants to they can make the pictures on this topic.
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