IT WORKS! But can you please make another one? All my friends at school got ahold of it and the school might block that proxy. And also It cant get to tagged. If you would make another one, please PM it to me.
Yeah I want you to post this on their forums. Say if you ban them from their forums for posting that, you will release the resigner also. And yah. shotspartin you don't have a resigner so yah..
First of all, this is not retail wow. This is a guide on how to get onto WoW private servers if you don't want to pay for it. I;m using a recomended private server for this tut. 1) First off, download the WoW trial version. (Be sure that since this is the trial version, you will have limited access to things on private servers.) Link~ 2) Secondly, Download the trial version of the WoW Expansion. The burning crusade. (Still limited access to things.) Link~ 3) Once you have downlaoded them both, there should be a folder made. Go to, Start, computer, then C:ProgramFilesWorldofWarcraft. 4) You should see something that says Right click it and open it with notepad. You should see this: ... hisbv2.jpg 5) Once its opened, Erase everything and type in this: set realmlist Then click File>Save 6) We're almost done! Ok now go to this link, and create an account: Be mindful that this is you're account name and password that you will use to log in. So you will need to remember everything you type in except the E-mail address. Once you typed in everything, click create. 7) Now, there should be a icon on you're desktop with the WoW symbol on it. Launch it. Type in the account Info you made at that other website. You may need to download some patches when you log in, but its worth it! Enjoy!
No-one knows you still P.S (People its not special to mod or have mods anymore. There is getting to be more modders and mods are being released every two days. Its not special to have mods anymore. This is directed to everyone.)
actually, LOTS of people have them now, but they aren't giving them out. It was leaked but on trustworthy people got them. And some people made their own like Haxalot & Superasion.