From what this guy is saying... he has done something with the mod which can be released to us... but has told MFone not to release it till the time is right... So unless your real good friends with MFone or dakhaosguy... you probably won't see the mods up close and personal... Not even sure if i answred your question... but i think it was resigned... just not released... Justerc just stop ok we might give u modz but last time you posted snowbound on se7sins befor it was released so just stop ok don't pretend u have modz that u dont!! plus we already gave someone gardian and u dont have it.... K And YOU should stop acting like you your special. Anyone can make mods but you found someone to resign them. I wasnt planning on you giving me mods anyway. I dont even know you. I just seen you in a game thats why I said hey.
From what this guy is saying... he has done something with the mod which can be released to us... but has told MFone not to release it till the time is right... So unless your real good friends with MFone or dakhaosguy... you probably won't see the mods up close and personal... Not even sure if i answred your question... but i think it was resigned... just not released... Not really they are releasing them.
dakhaosguy whats up? MFone is just gonna give ME the map because he can trust me,...and you can too. And plus I'm gonna be helping you guys make the maps once I get off punishment.