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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Lol who used to play Halo 2 campaign? Not that many people!
  2. No-one is gonna download with a description of the map. You don't even have ONE word explaining it.
  3. Hes tired he will do it when he feels like it. Stop pressuring him! Ban.
  4. Whats the website again?
  5. Lol pwnt. w00t new account.
  6. Thats basically all you can do on the pit
  7. I actually think this is useful. I would love to see a Headlong remake.
  8. Looks like Bungie is playing favorites.
  9. Coolio Its better than no map at all. Thanx.
  10. You cant play it! lol You would need a dev-kit also.
  11. You and you're 200 + hacked accounts
  12. The only one is the instant respawn. Period. The other ones you guys have are fake.
  13. If you have a Dev-kit, you can make .map mods without them having to be resigned.
  14. Wrong Section?
  15. Cant wait to see this. I didn't think I would ever see one. Infamous link, spam much?
  16. Isn't there a new donator medal or did we always have it?
  17. Great job nielsss You're still the best modder I know : )
  18. 2 sigs Name: Nightkrawl & other one Mast3rModder Type: Both sigs Style: Whatever you want just make it look pretty nice. Take as long as you need on it.
  19. Spammed! Hes the last replier for all these threads in the general section look at it We should have another rank for 350 posts "Uber VIP" So people cant spam.
  20. Everyone VIP and up send HCG JUSTREC a friend request. In the text put "iBotModz" & you're name here.
  21. Justrec


    I'll do it, give me their IP. lol (Psssst seriously someone pm me their IP)
  22. Justrec


    You didnt post the list. You posted the thread. Someone else posted the list of modz.
  23. Other non VIP members in a negative way. Lol.
  24. I do think we need a new logo, but the one we have already is better than this one. No offense.
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