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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Justrec

    Hack Test

    ^^ Seriously..
  2. Sorry for this bump, but KD's bot, > lolbot. If he makes his move (dance! dance!) Then it would be waaaay better.
  3. Justrec

    Hack Test

    Dude **** this. Its stupid as ****. I'm on 1. I swear this is ******* stupid.
  4. Justrec

    Hack Test

    Oh you have to look for a password? Will it say like password-*pass here* or will there be something and you have to guess which is the password?
  5. Justrec

    Hack Test

    Well can you give me an example like what to do with the first one? Obviously I dont ******* know what to do...
  6. Justrec

    Hack Test

    I don't get what we are suppose to do..
  7. Why VIP? Just because you have VIP now doesn't mean everything goes in there. Even if they are full books, it still doesn't seem VIP worthy...
  8. Debating doesn't garuntee flaming. I think its a great Idea, but if you are that worried about it, then we should have a sub-mod that takes care of that section. One who doesn't just delete posts if he THINKS that its flame. Most stuff is not actually flame.
  9. I knew you were going to make a thread. Just because you got banned, doesn't mean you have to go and be immature about it. When slip bans you, he sometimes unbans you a few minutes/hours/days later. Depending on what you did.
  10. Justrec

    I GOT 400!!!!
  11. Omfg pargy. I made something funnier than that and you add the jew thing?
  12. I think this was the first mod I've downloaded. Did you say you just made this? If so.. I think its been done,.. almost exactly the same before.
  13. Seriously, has anyone actually won this? Doesn't matter. If someone did, I bet the code didn't work anyway.
  14. Thats not real. The person is standing in the same spot every time. Of course its all going to work.
  15. Justrec

    I don't wanna.. FINE! THE FIRST PERSON TO SEND ME A PM SAYING OMG 400!!! ONCE I GET 400 posts will recieve a prize.
  16. ^ Seriously.
  17. Justrec

    Excuse me?
  18. Justrec


    Why would you even make no an option?
  19. Justrec


    Dude 7 people...
  20. Justrec


    Wow.. 5 people said no. Dan is loved. They are just trying to be funny. /close
  21. Pargy I was just about to say that. Thats the reason hes in debt.
  22. Why not just say noob?
  23. Justrec

    Make me a sig

  24. 1971 - Martin Luther king jr dies LOL
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