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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. Pedobear must love this site..
  2. Anyone found the secret pikmin?
  3. Lol twisted? When did you get on IBM?
  4. Why do you keep calling it "leaked" if you tell everyone its fake? Why not "Halo Reach Beta Footage" or "Fake Halo Reach beta footage"
  5. Lol, i just saw the site in my history and was like "LOL i remember dragcave!" then i went there and got 3 new dragons I'm not going to be constantly doing it though.
  6. Click each once plox. (You all know you love me ) http://dragcave.net/image/l2a9.gif http://dragcave.net/image/mZTI.gif http://dragcave.net/image/6qrt.gif
  7. Epic win
  8. Nevermind
  9. Leave Mfone alone dammit. Hes back into gaming now, so if you want to play with him, just pop him a friend request. /Thread
  10. Go eat cake.
  11. I lol'd
  12. Dakote, there has never been a moderator on IBM that just moderates one section. This site isn't THAT active and if someone should mod it, let the global mods do it. But, I disagree. The section isn't pointless, but would be abused more than it is actually used.
  13. Some things are funnier when you are actually there.
  15. -Lolno -Peaches
  16. Anyone have girls like this that are ....10-14?
  17. **** people stop hating on DSS, and he needs to stop hating on you guys. This site has too much drama. The only people in this thread that cares are the people who hate him.
  18. K?
  19. Dude, just stop being immature. Before I opened this thread I knew you were the one that was going to be complaining just by the topic title.
  20. No.
  21. Justrec

    Bleep Bloop

    Exact same concept, and style as the halo one. Smexy.
  22. Translate binary here: http://home2.paulschou.net/tools/xlate/
  23. http://www.cameraphonesplaza.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/samsung-c6625-a-qwerty-keyboard-phone-01.jpg
  24. She turned my magickarp into garydose.
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