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Everything posted by Justrec

  1. How do we get these on our iPods, and do they need to be jailbroken?
  2. Happy Birthday. My birthday is tomorrow
  3. Someone needs to update this. Theres LOTS more info, interviews, and videos. A mod add this to the first post. From a Forum Ninja on Bungie.net General Q&A on Halo 3: ODST What is Halo 3: ODST? ODST stands for Orbital Drop Shock Trooper. Also known as Helljumpers, these ODST's are the most hardcore of marine. They always enter the scene using drop pods, feet first, feeling the burn of the atmosphere. This game is an expansion of Halo 3. It is set between Halo 2 and Halo 3, right after the Prophet of Regret's slipspace escape from New Mombasa. As an ODST, your job will be to secure New Mombasa. Why are we securing New Mombasa? Due to the Prophet of Regret's slipspace escape, the city was destroyed. Rubble is everywhere, and the Covenant has taken over. Due to a rough landing, you will awaken with six hours already gone by. You're job is to locate your squad and find out what happened during the six hours you were out, playing through flashbacks as your comrades. When will it be released? September 22, 2009 Will there be a beta/demo? No How much will the game cost? Confirmed to be $60 with a Collectors Edition being $100. Here's a closeup view of the controller. How many players will the game support? 1-4 players for Halo 3: ODST's Campaign and Firefight modes. There's also a second disc packed in that contains the traditional Halo 3 multiplayer experience. That disc has all the functionality you've come to expect from Halo 3's multiplayer - every feature (Theater, Screenshots, B.net integration, the Forge, etc.) and every one of Halo 3's 24 maps, including Citadel, Longshore, and the Midship remake, Heretic. Will the game have multiplayer? Forge? Theater? Yes. The game is an expansion of the regular Halo 3. Multiplayer has been confirmed by Bungie: Basically, same Multiplayer, same Forge and Theater, different campaign. But I heard it will come with Halo 3 multiplayer maps! Right? Correct. The second ODST disc contains the traditional Halo 3 multiplayer experience. That disc has all the functionality you've come to expect from Halo 3's multiplayer - every feature (Theater, Screenshots, Bnet integration, the Forge, etc.) and every one of Halo 3's 24 maps, including Citadel, Longshore, and the Midship remake, Heretic. Will we be able to download the news maps off the disc? Not confirmed How do I get Recon Armor? To receive the Recon armor, the player must complete all Vidmaster achievements from the original game and ODST. The armor will then become available in Multiplayer. Why are all of the weapons the Halo 3 versions instead of the way they were in Halo 2? SImply because the game is built from the Halo 3 engine. It's an an expansion of the original Halo 3 game. To completely redo every single weapon/vehicle/physics, etc. could take years. Will the new weapons featured in Halo 3: ODST be available in any part of Halo 3 multiplayer? No. Is the BR/AR in the game? The BR is not, but the AR is. Which retailers have Sgt. Johnson as a bonus? Click here and here How does the health system work? Will we have shields? You have 'stamina,' when you lose this, you're health starts to go down. You'll have to find health packs in order to reach full health again. Will you be able to disable VISR? Yes. You can use the 'X' button to turn it off/on. Will we be able to change all the armor on the ODST? Yes, in Firefight. Will we be able to enter abandoned building throughout the city? Most likely. How many players can play Campaign/Firefight? 1-4 players via Xbox Live or system link. 2 player offline. Not confirmed about AI for Firefight if fighting alone. Can ODSTs board vehicles? Yes Will the controls be the same? What about Bumper Jumper?! Yes, they will be the same configurations. The only difference is that the 'X' button for equipment will be replaced with the low-light vision mode, VISR. Any vehicles in the game? Mongoose, Warthog, Tank, Wraith, Banshee are confirmed Can we still flip vehicles? Since you aren't a SPARTAN it will probably be harder, or just won't happen. Who are my enemies? Will I fight Elites? Your enemies are Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, Drones, and Brutes. You will not fight Elites in Halo 3: ODST (Confirmed here). The Flood will not be in the game. Will Master Chief be in the game? No. When the game takes place, Master Chief is hunting down the Prophet of Regret. Who is the main character? An ODST nicknamed "The Rookie." Why an ODST as the main character? "The reason why we chose the ODST is it's absolutely a character that we've had ideas about how to develop and put more front and center in Halo games," says Recon creative director Joseph Staten. "It's a character our fans are often asking to play so it was a natural fit. He's got an opaque visor so you don't see his face. It's perfect!" Who are the other ODSTs that we play as? "Each scene is really set up to highlight the core aspects of that particular character," says Staten, "Dutch is a big guy. He carries heavy weapons. His scene is one where you've got a Spartan Laser and a rocket launcher and you're taking on vehicles. Or you're Romeo. He's a sniper. He's kind of a dick. He's a wiseass. In Halo games you've been the Chief for a thousand years and the Arbiter for a bit of time, too. It's a really nice feeling to jump into someone else's boots for a while." More info on your teammates Will we fight the Flood No. The Flood have not arrived on Earth yet. Will we have rechargeable shields? No. ODSTs are not SPARTANs so they don't wear the MJOLNIR armor. You will have the ability to regenerate health through health packs. Any new weapons or equipment for the ODSTs? The ODSTs will have a few new weapons. Confirmed weapons are the new silenced SMG and a silenced pistol, both with a scope. Brute Plasma Rifle is making a return. The player will be able to access a few new gadgets. One of them being a PDA, which shows a 3D wireframe of the city. Another gadget is a filter called VISR, a low-light vision mode. This filter will allow the player to view the game in a type of night vision, except instead of a green hue of everything, the look will remain dark but everything will be outlined with neon lights. ODSTs will not be able to use drop-cover equipment. Will the game be a first-person shooter or third-person? The game will be in first-person. Will the gameplay remain the same as Halo 3? ODSTs do not have shields (but have the ability to regenerate health), will lose the motion tracker and lose the ability to dual-wield weapons. The ODSTs are also slower, shorter, and can't jump as high. Don't worry, it's all part of the plan according to Bungie. "It's immediately a different feel. It's scarier. It's a lot more tense. You don't feel like a chump. You feel like a very capable ODST marine, but it's a different feeling," says Staten. What does The Rookie sound like? During the demo that Gameinformer viewed, The Rookie did not speak. However, it's been confirmed that actor Nathan Fillion, known for his roles as Captain Malcom Reynolds in Firefly and Serenity, will voice the squad leader. All four ODSTs will all be based on the likeness of the actor portraying them. "Some of the people who play ODSTs in [the game] were just normal ODSTs in Halo 3," says Staten, "so if you like the voice cast in Halo 3, we have elevated some of them to a cinematic level." Who/what is the Superintendent? The SI will play a large, yet unclear role in ODST. It appears he will help you throughout the game. "We talked about him as an infrastructure AI, but he is part of the city. He's responsible for a variety of tasks in the city. As the trailer suggests, he's not in the best of shape, but he's certainly capable of watching you at least. Keeping it clean. That's his job," says Staten. All information about the Superintendent can be found here.
  4. Epic Win The Gif is smexy though.
  5. Tried em all out, I'm using Grey. Edit: So the posts don't merge anymore?
  6. I'm going to try out the green.
  7. Justrec

    lawlz no u

  8. ******* BEAST! 0 posts and a donor!
  9. I think they go blue, but people would think they aren't VIP's though. The '+' after Donors doesn't mean much -.-
  10. Good job helping him guys.. I don't know if this one got sold yet. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/15351-selling-my-gamertag/
  11. Now you know the first one might as well be vip and the second one might as well be members.
  12. ...You can really tell sky blue from blue. I say sky blue.
  13. Oh and, It's impossible for Bungie to make a new armor and give it to original recon owners anyway, unless they already had this armor since the start of Halo 3 but kept it secret.
  14. Does it actually say something like jailbroken? Because If I have no way of knowing, I'm going to think It didn't work. Nevermind, Cydia should be there.
  15. You fail at life.
  16. Bump
  17. Do you have a tutorial on the best way to jailbreak? The last time I tried, It wiped out all of my applications and reset my settings. I had to restore it from a backup.
  18. So, If I jailbreak my ipod touch, would I be able to just go to the itunes store and get all those apps for free that cost money, or do I get them another way?
  19. **** Ebay. Plus $60 for a 20gb.. yeah right. Thanks guys, I'm not buying one.
  20. Thats a kind of inaccurate skin, and it looks bad..
  21. Fatal stop. You're starting to get annoying.
  22. Wtf is a stack doc?
  23. Use IPBFREE It's easy to find skins and layouts for that.
  24. Does a transfer cable come with it, because If I have to buy it seperatly, I'm not getting a new HDD. I'm just not going to download anything else.
  25. Doesn't matter.
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