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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. Closed...
  2. Agreed, but nice setup
  3. closed
  4. im workin on that but with work and stuff iv been busy and stopped ill get back on that
  5. i like the fact that using recaptcha halp to digitize books
  6. 1850
  7. also you can change a recaptcha with refreshing the whole page
  8. i like recaptcha cause it helps to digitize books
  9. yeah moved to offtopic
  10. its more of an RAT but w/e so many bugs, xr and bio are for noobs, if you want power you gotta know people and get private booters B) anyways this has gone off topic closed
  11. lol
  12. i love when blacklabelfosho cause his posts are always amazing thats why i think we should bring the Retired Staff group back so when you do leave or get demoted or whatever your in a special group
  13. lmao noob, poison ive is one of the worst booters out there it has so many bugs
  14. the XR bot was made to bind to that to see if you are infected on winxp go to C:/ - windows / system32 / config and if the file CSRSS is there you are infected with a XR bot
  15. lol the old free forumer bored was great.
  16. lol i had an add on my site before and all it said was in big bold letters was "IM A STAY AT HOME MOM,COME SEE WHAT I DO TO MAKE HUNDREDS A DAY" and when you click it its all about the stock market lol kinda miss leading
  17. mine is also clean but from where i am sitting i can see 8 computers
  18. lol back in the day
  19. closed
  20. this is better lol
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