its more of an RAT but w/e so many bugs, xr and bio are for noobs, if you want power you gotta know people and get private booters B) anyways this has gone off topic closed
i love when blacklabelfosho cause his posts are always amazing thats why i think we should bring the Retired Staff group back so when you do leave or get demoted or whatever your in a special group
the XR bot was made to bind to that to see if you are infected on winxp go to C:/ - windows / system32 / config and if the file CSRSS is there you are infected with a XR bot
lol i had an add on my site before and all it said was in big bold letters was "IM A STAY AT HOME MOM,COME SEE WHAT I DO TO MAKE HUNDREDS A DAY" and when you click it its all about the stock market lol kinda miss leading