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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. http://www.hamsters.co.uk/hamsters_images/hamster_000002565264.jpg
  2. yeah its at the very edge of the map
  3. Hey, this is for anyone who currently needs the sandbox skull. Believe me i have made this very easy for you to do... ok all you have to do is download this "Map Variant" here - http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=68399905 once you have that downloaded, start up the game in forge and when you spawn you should be infront of a teleporter. All you have to do is go through the teleporter holding "RB" (right bumper) if your using the "Default" button layout, or "B" if your using "Bumper Jumper"... basically what ever button you use to pick something up. There you should have just picked up the skull and got the achievement. Enjoy...
  4. im thinking of getting my server from FDC just cause their bandwidth is so cheap, iv heard great things about them
  5. School...
  6. i started off with shared then moved to VPS and then had 1 dedicated then i had 5 dedicated then i sold everything and now i own a colocation server in chicago and an offshore VPS in the netherlands but im soon going to be getting more dedicated server for other sites
  7. i perfer cPanel, i dont like "Plesk" and "Direct Admin" but those are the only 3 i have used
  8. did anyone even give you money ? lol
  9. Closed dude to post Directed at a single user he will not be banned unless he Spams or anything against our Rules
  10. i mean what are the specs of your server for example mine are Dual Intel XEON QuadCore L5420 (2.50 Ghz x 8 ) 8MB 1333MHz Cache/ FSB 8 GB DDR2 Ram 3x250GB: RAID1/0 + backup + Connected to a 50TB Datapool 100Mbit Port - full duplex and its running CentOS 5 (linux) with Cpanel + WHM Addon
  11. both of you i guess lol
  12. what are your specs ?
  13. fattwam


    These should all be working http://www.wmhl.info http://www.bigcoolfun.info http://www.ookt.info http://www.ohph.info http://daliandi-thesurrealstory.com http://www.whitefilter.info http://www.ejmn.info http://www.tidl.info http://proxyabc.info http://www.libraryprox.com http://www.redfilter.info http://www.tbju.info http://couc.info http://www.pogw.info http://www.hnss.info http://www.filterme.info http://www.myvtunnel.com http://www.nunj.info http://www.filterg.info http://www.hidespeed.info http://www.tbnr.info http://sogu.info http://www.filteryoutube.info http://cogr.info http://maxmix.info http://freeproks.info http://chpi.info http://www.filterthat.info http://www.passmeoff.info http://www.filtereverything.info http://www.gearonline.info http://www.dagt.info http://takeadvice.info http://www.orangefilter.info http://webpm.info http://proxyflag.com http://www.bzr.mobi http://www.smalltoys.info http://surf4now.info http://www.rilocia.info http://www.payfortoday.com http://blyt.info http://www.etgb.info http://www.proxyr.info http://www.fjx.biz http://www.wwgs.info http://www.yasrinu.info http://www.boogeymen.info http://www.yellowfilter.info http://www.stealthmyip.info
  14. Wow HUGE BUMP Closed
  15. i perfer better uptime, speed and performance
  16. http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/fattwam/avatar-body.png
  17. http://www.wondercomments.com/funny_birthday/funny_birthday_comment_06.gif
  18. He'll do it, iv seen him, HES CRAZY!!!
  19. lol oops, i thought i could swear i click the little drop down box
  20. Closed, and yes hopyfully this will stop
  21. Closed...
  22. Closed Its you decision if you leave or stay, but just like "khaosmaster" said dont let one person get to your head
  23. Closed, This is becoming a problem...
  24. The money i get goes towards your domain if you want one, if you dont its a 1 time fee of $10. Since mine is on a dedicated server the one time fee of $10 goes towards Server management. im guessing that khaosmaster is only using a reseller which are available for real cheap if you know where to look, which is why he can give hosting away for free.
  25. agreed
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