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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. 1885
  2. i gots a kittie and a doggy
  3. umm.... im at home i dont have school lol
  4. umm...yeah get well soon
  5. there awsome
  6. http://pixcrazy.net/out.php/t2335_wootcopy.jpg
  7. fattwam


    lol thats great
  8. Closed...
  9. fattwam


    My friends Has a Dell Inspiron 1520 and he use's it for exactly what you are explaining and i have the Dell Inspiron 1525 which i do not play games on but i use for everything else and its works great the new one is the Dell Inspiron i do not know anyone with that but probably very similar to the ones i am my friend has these are all in your budged and are avalible at Best Buy.
  10. fattwam


  11. you are able to make i think its 3 free 1 months on your xbox if you have not used those use them
  12. sounds good
  13. Welcome to iBotModz ...Moved to off-topic
  14. its the general with the golden brig. bird in the middle no stars
  15. im not sure why you were banned but you are now unbanned
  16. fattwam

    MSN hacks

    lol thanks smokie
  17. fattwam

    MSN hacks

    MSN Patch has a ton of option you can change and disable nudge delay is one of them Link Here
  18. a PM would have been suitable this was just unnecessary Closed...
  19. YES MA'AM!
  20. fattwam

    GT Ideas.

    -Moldy Sausage -Premium Panda
  21. fattwam


    Hi B)
  22. FrostWire eMule Areas
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