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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_E22cpzJKFhQ/R2aue1NaKbI/AAAAAAAAC0k/0tr-o1jdXiw/s320/pikmin_white_fx.jpg
  2. This is my laptop
  3. nice try...
  4. its 5 not 4
  5. Sad to see you go, well i gotta start getting active again. im here everyday just to make sure everything is running properley. Anyways Smokie we will talk on MSN about what we are doing.
  6. old fag here, been there since the begining
  7. an ad should appear there
  8. This topic has been marked as a ToS Violation. For that reason this topic has been locked. Our ToS, Rules, and PP can be located in the Board Rules, Here. Thanks, iBotModz Staff
  9. fat-twam
  10. iv spend 30 on google ads and looking to spend another 50 on more ads
  11. whoops lol, i meant to delete that post of all that spam and i dont think i was totally paying attention when i was doing it...sorry iv been working 52hour work weeks 13 days on 1 day off for almost 3 months now...anyways reopened
  12. This topic has been marked as a ToS Violation. For that reason this topic has been locked. Our ToS, Rules, and PP can be located in the Board Rules, Here. Thanks, iBotModz Staff
  13. old.....
  14. Great program Thanks for puttin me in the credz lol
  15. lmao
  16. i would have been at work
  17. fattwam


  18. This topic has been marked as a ToS Violation. For that reason this topic has been locked. Our ToS, Rules, and PP can be located in the Board Rules, Here. Thanks, iBotModz Staff
  19. yeah i got that one aswell
  20. i do $10USD per domain (.com .net .org .info .biz)
  21. This topic has been marked as ToS Violation. For that reason this topic has been locked. Our Tos, Rules, and PP can be located Here Thanks, Staff
  22. fattwam

    My God...

    lol i remember igod
  23. if anyone wants i can offer all off that for 50% less then what he is selling it for My dedicated specs are Dual Intel XEON QuadCore L5420 (2.50 Ghz x 8 ) 8MB 1333MHz Cache/ FSB 8 GB DDR2 Ram 3x250GB: RAID1/0 + backup + Connected to a 50TB Datapool 100Mbit Port - full duplex and its running CentOS 5 (linux) with Cpanel + WHM Addon
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