i did for a little bit more then i first thought buts it was still a great deal i might start offering hosting out but so far with almost no promotions im getting quite a few people from friends or people who are friends with friends. i think i got a good chance to make some money cause my cheapest hosting plan is $1 a month or $10 a year and my most expensive is $10 a month and $100 a year for unlimited everything.
close to the new year i personally am also just waiting for IPB3 im not posting as much as a usually do, iv been busy with my network of sites and server problems
lol both DDOS and DOS are very traceable DOS is your own ip and is extremely easy DDOS will just get tracked back to your DNS Server which them will lead back to the ip/server controlling it (you) your caught earthier way in other words you have to be pro like me B)