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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. to confirm the kill make sure that little thing on the right hand side pops up saying "naughty naughty 3/10" or whatever...
  2. Anything Catch your eye ? i usually sell out quickly on other forums or to people i know. PM me if you see anything. Also selling just plain Steam account with no games or with only Counter Strike
  3. lol you blocked the ip...lmao why what was the point of that its not like its hard to get
  4. yeah why did you block it out ???
  5. weapon drob just means everything respon's cause you have made it to the next round mostly there are just the laser and rocket and sniper for power weapons
  6. is this the default email account or a secondary ? have you tried making other accounts and seeing if they do accept emails ? if so are the emails getting bounced back to the sender with an error message ? also probably not a good idea to show off all your server ip and all that...well at least i dont do that with any of mine
  7. Downloaded for free
  8. how many affiliates are you lookin for...cause i could add over 100 sites all with backlinks on them ?
  9. 2113
  10. 2111
  11. if you wanna post pic put them in yearbook thread closed
  12. 2109
  13. when you go to http://www.ibotmodz.net/ it takes you to the IP.CSS page
  14. SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization... Basically it helps you rank higher in Search Engines
  15. FINALLY, iv been waiting for up to SEO the site
  16. yeah there was no point in removing it
  17. People are uploading this everyware no one has completly uploaded it yet... still waiting
  18. i Donated a penny
  19. fattwam
  20. Just as good as the US army cause when we get into trouble we call you
  21. well i was gonna add it but since you want peaches to ill wait
  22. fattwam


    fun to cheat
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