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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. i was asking halo3
  2. Halo Mods Community Day Rip much...
  3. It's because you had it in Before TU2, after that it scans all content uploaded. and your friend was a douch, he uploaded mods before you have 3 warnings before you are banned.
  4. lolz
  5. sauce?
  6. Nice app, can i use the source in my CONfirm app? EDIT: Your didn't include the Dslipstream.dll reference
  7. Swaped the noised/effects with snow!
  8. Nice PS Yungbol
  9. Thanks not water... thats the shader under the water, i will edit it to be snow
  10. What scenery Water?
  11. http://i363.photobucket.com/albums/oo71/Roguemodder/DryValhalla.jpg Not much just post what ya think.
  12. i will but the person will request money from you. EDIT: Halo3 what is your GT and Emblem?
  13. i will drop some words in.
  14. halo3 i will do a video of my playing as one, and mod the author is u want to me you, i will send u the .avi. For free.
  15. get the new ******* plugins >.<
  16. I know i don't have the new XNA dash, but tbh i really don't need it >.<
  17. All the Info u need: Flash:7342.0 XDK:7978.0 and yes i have the old SDK, all i use it for is the xbmovie.
  18. Or, i could use my Reviews Kit, to have fun modding halo 3, Review games and go outside and have alife while u sit inside all day modding halo 3.
  19. make me.
  20. Why? Because you arn't physically or mentally able to flash your Xbox 360 so u can't play it?
  21. Hence i just said it was fake...
  22. Fake: Unphotoshopped Images: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/1623/odst2.png http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/5748/odst3.png http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8744/odst1.png Sorry People
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