you don't need a sidecar, thats for DVD emulation, all you need for that is wxripper and wx360 and then just use X360gamehack v5.2 to patch the XeX to a dev consol and done...
Thanks , Dark Slippy, why u not on aim anymore? coz i didn't get the money from you i judt did it myself , i did it!!! (Not the XeX but i did crack it in the mainmenu so you just can't play it on Pnet yet .
no, it changes the name of the map on the mainmenu, so it doesn't say Sandtrap, it says Despair.
Informer Rogue Modder Features - Edit Any Halo 3 Map Info File Latest Updates - Fixed DLC content Please Note This application is intended to help People with Dev Kits. As of this point in time there are no means for the general public to play modded map files! Thanks - KIWIDOGGIE: Idea for App - Everyone contributing to Halo3 research and all who helped me test this app. Download: Here