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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. well dark is the reason this site is still alive. He leaves, site crashes, Dark comes to me, simple.
  2. Who cares? He is staff you should listen to him, Regardless of what you think. If you have a problem contact Peaches the "Owner" not every other member and start a revolt that will fail.
  3. ^^ i loled harder. mister amazing at programming/PC's >.> Reinstall vista from your disk.
  4. ^^ i loled. Reformat your HDD
  5. Reformat.
  6. lol.
  7. the resigner in Forge 2.5 is banned, get Forge 2.6 and it will work
  8. noce, (yes i ment noce not nice) i can get some bitmaps from H3 ship Build, but no models
  9. wtf, if you have a valid reason to be in VIP state it, making a revolt is just fishy. If you have a valid VIP then you shouldn't be worrying, if you are then think why u are worrying.
  10. 1) I am kind, give Constructive critisim (not flame), i don't block people over silly/stupid stuff. 2) I am learning Programming and i am going to help the site with apps i make (hopefully ) 3) I will help research Halo 3 Modding on a level most people here can't even dream about. Example: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?s=...ost&p=81696
  11. Also even if you did do it (Which i have done now) i resized the model of the frigate BUT that doesn't resize the collision so yh, u can barley move ^^
  12. Dark, can i r haz credits? i did do all the research for this after all lolz (@ Smexy Boosie "It's in his 230-Reality app so get it in there "
  13. If if they abuse re add it for that VIP member.
  14. lol, if i made a new youtube would people use it? and mb help me fund it a tiny bit?
  15. when a supposed person was on your account.
  16. i mean this whole thread is pwnd.
  17. pwnd.
  18. I got a inv to the beta from MSDN , but it is really good, you guys should download it!
  19. KD i agree with you 100%
  20. it just rhymed
  21. http://img134.imageshack.us/img134/3849/loled.png i loled
  22. i loled. PS link send to Dark Slipstream.
  23. http://halomods.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=81430
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