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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. It has more RAM. and some other **** i forgot, but the XDK is smexhe.
  2. you shouldn't do that curtis, DSS is a sub admin, your retired.
  3. yes, but it's ******* old, that side is xbox.com's section for official dev owners. gamerfreak is a legit owner, therefor he can get one. he leaks a pic, he gets banned most likely.
  4. lmao, yh it is old news peaches, sorry
  5. No, it's an Dev Kit, but Microsoft are trying to get people to not forget XNA so they are branding it. Anyway, here is the XDK launcher: http://images.upload2world.com/get-5-2009-upload2world_com_uffked.png
  6. Peaches i have alot of space on my server: 600,000 mb Im sure i can give you some
  7. Rogue Modder

    My Devs

    sell all that sh1t, buy a dev and play with me!
  8. no, ur just gay!
  9. this is for the community, not for me, anyone can post here, the QnA is just for people to read, i never said that i wrote it.
  10. ha, i don't wana rewrite it as i will most likely get some stuff wrong.
  11. Nope, we use an edited XeX (thanks to DeToX, Anthony) so it removes the resigned check so we can run the maps.
  12. yh, if u left, it would have less. I was seeing how long u were gullible for, lol 6 hours xD
  13. yes, whats so wrong about that?
  14. , thanks people.
  15. I love my hair , don't you dare dis it grrrr Thank you TheX
  16. Yesterday i was told i was fat and ugly as school. :'( Can i please have you guys opinions? It really upset me and this would really help me. Thanks xxx http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/9613/siggie.png I am not a girl, this is a joke btw.
  17. Not weapon model >.>
  18. Well Boosie, it has now been done: But, it was harder as there was alot more security on the compression, as i am lead to believe. And, here is some mainmenu **** i have done: Blue Filter Remover: Offset: 0323376C replace with: 3DCCCCCD3F0000003E4CCCCD3F8000003DCCCCCD3F8000003F8000003F800000 Length: 32 Unblock Service Tag: Offset: 032E39DF Replace With: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000
  19. No. and it's QnA and Research.
  20. Just post shit you have found, no ripping of work from other websites, or other people. I have agreeded with Dark Slipstream that you will receive a suspension. QnA, "Posted by Veegie of Halomods" I saw this guy modding and when you moved you died! That person was not modding, It was a network error with Xbox Live. "Is there anyway to get the Bungie only armor (Recon/"Bungie" EOD Flaming Head body perm) on a non XBL enabled profile? " Yes, but the method will not be released, if on an XeXDK you can edit the flags in the mainmenu.map and remove the hidden flag for recon. "How do I mod Halo 3?" You either need a Xbox 360 DevKit or need XSata/Xport, for the xsata/xport look around this site, it las a load or tutorials/programs. "How can I get a Xbox 360 devkit?" Officially, you must become a licensed developer and purchase one from Microsoft. "What can you modify in films/screenshots/usermaps(forge maps)?" Usermaps essentially store "what is manually placed by the user, and what is it". If an object is not in that map file, it cannot be swapped via the method used to modify usermaps. Saved films contain all appearance information for all players in the game, all movements, and the complete usermap and gametype files. "Hey this guy was modding and he [...]" Unless his name is Anthony, Veegie, DarkShallFall, Detox, Shade, Kornman, Rogue Modder, Wearing Jok3r, EazyB, LEo he was not modding. "So why don't you guys release your tools?! Stop being so greedy! Why would tools ruin the community?!" Releasing the applications would be pointless in its current state. Anything that the community outside of the previously-mentioned individuals could help do has already been completed. There would be no way for those users to test any possible 'new-findings' and no benefit for them besides curiosity being fed. Make your own if you're that impatient. We did. "So why are you guys even making applications/plugins?" Because once Xbox 360 modding matures and users will be able to run unsigned code on a once-retail Xbox 360, we will have a goldmine of resources to get you all started in the right direction. "Is it possible to mod halo 3 so you can have over 100 custom content items on one account?" No. "How do I get Halo 3 files onto my computer so I can mod them?" www.Xbox-Scene.com has numerous tutorials. If you are looking for the downloadable content maps, you can find them in the content\0000000000000000\4D5307E6\00000002 folder on your Xbox 360 hard drive. "Can you release a .map resigner?" There is no such thing, and never will be. It is impossible. Simply that. Post questions and what you have found here and DO NOT forget that this isn't Halomods/Se7enSins. You did something cool? Made a neat map? post it here! Any flame WILL be deleted by staff. We support people modding Halo 3, not telling them to Fuck off and there kit was a waste.
  21. give it some time works for me. try yahoo
  22. no, thats just not in the cards.
  23. Use the SDK? open the SDK's command prompt and type this: xbmovie /x:{Dev's Name} /f:2 {movie name}.wmv
  24. lol, i just use construct, but i guess, thanks.
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