Who cares? He is staff you should listen to him, Regardless of what you think. If you have a problem contact Peaches the "Owner" not every other member and start a revolt that will fail.
wtf, if you have a valid reason to be in VIP state it, making a revolt is just fishy. If you have a valid VIP then you shouldn't be worrying, if you are then think why u are worrying.
1) I am kind, give Constructive critisim (not flame), i don't block people over silly/stupid stuff. 2) I am learning Programming and i am going to help the site with apps i make (hopefully ) 3) I will help research Halo 3 Modding on a level most people here can't even dream about. Example: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?s=...ost&p=81696
Also even if you did do it (Which i have done now) i resized the model of the frigate BUT that doesn't resize the collision so yh, u can barley move ^^