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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. http://files.filefront.com/ID+Seeker+Sourc...;/fileinfo.html
  2. Yes, because this thread is a fucking request thread.
  3. Who said we can't? well we can't but im sure DarkShallFall will work it out.
  4. i have no fkn clue.
  5. Could it be the Xbox Crystal?
  6. hire a boat... or get some more gas.
  7. casino vault...
  8. and it's fake...
  9. post ur msn and aim.
  10. so ur hexing this? u got aim?
  11. 1) Wana do it on the lvl halo dude? we can get all the way out! 2) Forklift driving is still more fun.
  12. i opened this map in forge 2.6 editor. there was nothing in the mach, sure u did it right? or this is the right usermap.
  13. lol Please close this.
  14. pleasssse get it installed, and keep the spiring style (oh and get DSS sub again -.-)
  15. can this be closed? kthxbai
  16. yep, Darkshallfall said that to me, i stoped. so it works.
  17. Don't post simple shit kid: Trust me.
  18. coz there is something called torrents and itunes, -.-
  19. LOL, wow, epic dude. But dude, i won't lie and say i downloaded but try to make it "Good" so just make it fun for ppl to play in slayer not just forge.
  20. Im sorry, btu who are you? We never said this was breaking news, just something cool. >.>
  21. -.- Weap tag Select weapon In the Meta Editor find the dropdown selection called Flags (there are 2, select the second) Find "Make 3rd Person" (i think it's something like that) Click Save. ***Tutorial for Construct***
  22. Yah, i played it for him.
  23. no, he's a reviewer. i know coz i know gamerfreak away from ibotmodz
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