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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Alloyy, you are a dumbfuck. This is ugly as hell. You leak shit, insult intelligent people and enjoy Mexican drawing porn. Can we just IP ban him already?
  2. wot.
  3. Yet Bungie made the game... Microsoft have to remove them, but it's Bungie that get hurt. Microsoft's sales are still so high for reach.
  4. why so many credits? 0.0
  5. Someones gay.
  6. This is an english thread. gtfo.
  7. awk ey mate. Get doon the pub mate, get totally lashed from the lash machine. eh?
  8. ew no, eZuneUH
  9. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs195.ash2/45844_119298734787698_100001227154374_117148_2882468_n.jpg ITSA Iphone! oo wait, Zune? Nooo iPhone? Noo Zune? wut.
  10. haha ye. Lazyness.
  11. nahhh.
  12. 3some wif hannah? ;D
  13. http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/1902/lulbgyee.png
  14. I just turned 16 yay!
  15. What? Fanmade? Hosted on MS Servers? Confused. (it looked crap too)
  16. yeah..
  17. oh shit. it's shit.
  18. Good on ya son.
  19. Ah well, you saw text. and there is more than that anyway ;D. Only I know every surprise
  20. fineeee. lawl
  21. Current Build Info.
  22. I just completed the campaign! Master chief comes and saves Noble Team from Reach before The Pillar of Autumn gets away, so there is no sacrifice. ;o
  23. Very interesting tracker information Peaches.
  24. Filled. ;x
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