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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. Yeah, pretty awesome huh? Lmao.
  2. You make the stero-types true. We don't all like hockey btw, i think it is too violent and brutal, i played it a couple years ago. Last time i checked we were a computers/halo forum. Sports? Where do they come into play.
  3. First i seen a post from iBotPeaches in the middle "Gay Chubby Dating" underneath was a post by fattwam. roflcakes.
  4. :'( @%#$ you, makes me cry. I miss that place so much.
  5. Rofl!lamo lol!
  6. One quick suggestion before you do anything... Type your posts right kid, i can't read them!
  7. Curtis


    Laxy took it home for me, 2nd being subs. You should add the names next to the sigs.
  8. leafthree.com Currently down, was going until it was hacked, should be up tonight.
  9. There is no such thing, get a $%#^%# life.
  10. It better be my kid...
  11. Please, or at least come to my forum. B)
  12. Pretty sure i locked this post, why don't you PM him?
  13. Pretty sure this wouldn't work out right. There is like 2-3 huge sites already for this and i think the new update fixed the saving? Didn't it?
  14. I'm pretty damn sure he's not gonna make you a free one just for asking, all you do on this forum is spam and type annoying posts. Offer him something or send him a Pm. As for now this post is close, please PM him.
  15. Love your videos, you just need to take more time when explaining a spot or how to do something.
  16. Watch it I'll ban you next time.
  17. Come back snowmon! Plz stay.
  18. That's crazzyyy good for a lappy. What kind if laptop is it?
  19. Try re-installing FireFox, then try Internet Explorer. Clean out all your temp files, defrag harddrive, and get rid of AVG.
  20. Curtis

    Rapidshare pl0x

    Please use the search tool. Use this post by Smokie. Its a rapidshare tool and its amazing! Good luck.
  21. ima DG. Lol thanks for the wonderful comment on my personality. I got a video card for xmas!
  22. Curtis

    Skin Change

    You want me to do it? I can try haha.
  23. Curtis

    Skin Change

    Logo... is... amazing... haha we have a decent gfx team here, collation?
  24. You have to watch this, i almost s*** myself.
  25. First of all, i can't understand a single post of yours, why is this in general dicussion? Can't you just PM the admin. They had good content.
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