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Everything posted by ImaGonnaGetYou

  1. (09:40 PM) V3NOM - you wont be on this site ever again (unless you go to the library) or you wont be on the internet ever again if you join my partyyy
  2. ImaGonnaGetYou

    My GT

    Or: ThOsE NaMeS SuCk AsS Seriously, though, I'd either stay with your current GT or go with Dom was Here.
  3. So, basically, this site revolves around elitists? Even worse than I thought.
  4. V3NOM has been threatening to hack me, so I'm pretty much forced to leave if I want my connection safe. Great site you got here, except for the fact that it's sense of security SUCKS.
  5. Or the threatening, but that just keeps going, right? Doesn't matter if they ruin your connection, but they just can't flame?
  6. I've got an even better idea! Spammers - Stop spamming Flamers - Stop spamming V3NOM - Stop with the nerdy buff talk There, now everyone will be happy.
  7. Once again, proof that I am not safe here. And yungbol, I understand what you're saying, but I don't want stalker man up there trying to steal my account or ruin my internet connection. So he "scared me away", as you people call it.
  8. I believe you mean "Ditto".
  9. And people on this site wonder why no new members stay active. Tisk tisk.
  10. I'm leaving, for the most part. I'll lurk around for new apps and such, but the only thing people talk about here is about someone or other spamming, and everyone getting butthurt about such a small issue. Not only that, but I want my internet to be, I don't know, secure? So, yeah. Thanks for a wasting a week or so of my time. Which I could have spent in a somewhat developed community (A lot of VIP's are the main asshats here, Mods and Admins were really great people.) And no, V3NOM, you can't have my IP Address so you can "spamzor it wit teh over 9000 irc botzzzz". Get over yourself, please.
  11. Thanks for the constructive criticism and intelligent argument. [/sarcasm]
  12. I completely understand leaving the site if this is what to expect from the veteran members: (09:40 PM) V3NOM - you wont be on this site ever again (unless you go to the library) or you wont be on the internet ever again if you join my partyyy Infact, I'm probably going to leave soon too. I've seen much farther mentally developed communities than this. I don't want to get threatened every five seconds, k thx.
  13. Or you could just drop it? Christ, you sound like a little kid who didn't get the candy he wanted.
  14. V3NOM once again succeeds at failing. Hooray. See ya, if we can't change your mind.
  15. Why are you scaring the children away from your candy van? I thought you loved kids.
  16. How about all four! V3NOM Joe Walls geo other guy Then we can all move on with our lives. Yaaay.
  17. OH SNAP
  18. Let's ask Rogue what he thinks about the subject:
  19. omg ther r peepz starvin in teh werld LETS BY A DEV KITZORZ!11!!1!1! Recession + You = Dev Kit? Something wrong there.
  20. OK. [/lulz]
  21. Wow, great treatment of the customer. I definately want to buy a heavily overpriced gamesave now! [/sarcasm] No one will pay $10+ to play as a different biped when Halodude sells the same thing for 5 bucks. He also does AI swaps for $10. He lets you have a Banshee for $3. Atleast keep up somewhat with his prices, and learn to treat the customer with respect. You'll pay off your dev kit debt in a few forevers if you treat everyone like crap.
  22. Entry #2 FTW.
  23. If you could send it to me that'd be great. I don't know why my profile hates me so much today =( EDIT: Once again, my profile loses all of its gamerscore, avatar settings, and everything. Is it possible to get this profile working, or is it just an issue that won't be solved? If so, I'd like to know so that I can just mod some of my non-main profiles. I just find it incredibly inconvenient that I have to reunlock all of my characters, even with max stats >.>
  24. Nope, didn't work. Same problem. Do I need a different resigner, too? I don't know what the problem is.
  25. You can mod your stats from what they are ingame to 255. Basically, you hit 300-500's, depending on your character. You can give yourself maximum cash, levels, stats, etc. Also, I have the Hash Block Calculator already, and last time I used it, it did nothing.
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