So, I've been trying to mod Castle Crashers, but I've run into a few problems: Either a ) My profile doesn't show up on the list on the Xbox 360. b ) My profile's gamerscore and avatar and etc. are deleted. OR c ) The mod works (This was only on an offline profile with no games played besides Castle Crashers). My profile is 4-5MB, so I was wondering if anyone had a rehasher that would rehash it correctly. I've used CONcept's and Haxalot88's rehashers and only CONcept's resigner, and I've been unsuccessful with my profile, but successful with a profile smaller than 1 MB. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! P.S - Dark, you better help me with this.
(09:02 PM) ImaGonnaGetYou - i hacked him (09:02 PM) ImaGonnaGetYou - oh nvm my jk (09:02 PM) egworld - i want to know so i can warship them! (09:02 PM) ImaGonnaGetYou - jk (09:02 PM) ImaGonnaGetYou - me, why? (09:01 PM) egworld - who hacked fred? I'm such a ninja.
The chatbox is awesome, but it's the people that use it that cause the problem. Not everyone causes a problem, but those few that feel the need to insult each other over the internet.
I have all 3 next-gen systems, and, let me say, the PS3 is the biggest waste of money ever. It is a blu-ray player with gaming capabilities. However, it's few good games are only worth playing locally, because the online service is absolutely terrible. LittleBigPlanet and Metal Gear Solid 4 are good games, and so are a couple others, but my general opinion is that the system is a waste of money, especially the release consoles ($600). If they would make more games capable of online multiplayer, and beef up their online service, I'd dust off my PS3, which I haven't even thought of playing for atleast 3 months.
Would it be possible for me to get my campaign save, mod it myself, and pay you to make it useable on a retail 360? All i want are biped swaps really, but I don't want to pay $5-$10 per biped swap.
TANK PAAAAAAAAARTAY! It's a nice map for seeing a load of Floodies, clones, Invincibility, and such, but it isn't very good for anything beyond sightseeing. I don't know anyone who wants to shoot someone through a thick wall of Flood or clones.