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Everything posted by ImaGonnaGetYou

  1. xD
  2. So, I've been trying to mod Castle Crashers, but I've run into a few problems: Either a ) My profile doesn't show up on the list on the Xbox 360. b ) My profile's gamerscore and avatar and etc. are deleted. OR c ) The mod works (This was only on an offline profile with no games played besides Castle Crashers). My profile is 4-5MB, so I was wondering if anyone had a rehasher that would rehash it correctly. I've used CONcept's and Haxalot88's rehashers and only CONcept's resigner, and I've been unsuccessful with my profile, but successful with a profile smaller than 1 MB. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! P.S - Dark, you better help me with this.
  3. Zombie topic is zombie?
  4. (09:02 PM) ImaGonnaGetYou - i hacked him (09:02 PM) ImaGonnaGetYou - oh nvm my jk (09:02 PM) egworld - i want to know so i can warship them! (09:02 PM) ImaGonnaGetYou - jk (09:02 PM) ImaGonnaGetYou - me, why? (09:01 PM) egworld - who hacked fred? I'm such a ninja.
  5. Hey, not everyone below 25 posts is a moron/flamer. I can understand if it is set so the user must post atleast once to access it, but 25? No thanks.
  6. Lololololol. +5 internetz for Caboose.
  7. The chatbox is awesome, but it's the people that use it that cause the problem. Not everyone causes a problem, but those few that feel the need to insult each other over the internet.
  8. Wow. Some people just got owned.
  9. Either you're crazy, or... Yeah, you're crazy.
  10. ^Too lazy to type my own reply lol^
  11. I lol'ed. But still, the flame needs to go down a notch, specifically in the chatbox.
  12. Oh, never mind, thought you meant $2 per mod
  13. Modding the map + ~30 minutes of manual labor > $2
  14. Oh, I thought it was $5-$10 per swap, and not for bulk swaps.
  15. I have all 3 next-gen systems, and, let me say, the PS3 is the biggest waste of money ever. It is a blu-ray player with gaming capabilities. However, it's few good games are only worth playing locally, because the online service is absolutely terrible. LittleBigPlanet and Metal Gear Solid 4 are good games, and so are a couple others, but my general opinion is that the system is a waste of money, especially the release consoles ($600). If they would make more games capable of online multiplayer, and beef up their online service, I'd dust off my PS3, which I haven't even thought of playing for atleast 3 months.
  16. Canada > U.S. and U.K. combined 'nuff said. EDIT: For hockey, Canada > TEH WHOL WERLD
  17. I love the last one. Wish I could make that >.>
  18. Would it be possible for me to get my campaign save, mod it myself, and pay you to make it useable on a retail 360? All i want are biped swaps really, but I don't want to pay $5-$10 per biped swap.
  19. Mister Chief Gamer Picture FTW. Thanks for the app!
  20. Let's find out the issue one step at a time. 1. We know your router is for Comcast. Well, there's the problem. Glad I could help. Lol.
  21. Sorry for the zombie topic, but the link's broken. =( I was looking forward to playing this, too.
  22. Could that be used to "help" beat the game on Mythic difficulty, by giving yourself Invinicibility equipment and some power weapons?
  23. TANK PAAAAAAAAARTAY! It's a nice map for seeing a load of Floodies, clones, Invincibility, and such, but it isn't very good for anything beyond sightseeing. I don't know anyone who wants to shoot someone through a thick wall of Flood or clones.
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