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Everything posted by ImaGonnaGetYou

  1. yo dawg we herd u liek cars so we put a car in yo car so u can driev wile u driev
  2. Very few things don't have a tutorial somewhere on the internet. Even if I make one completely with my own research, someone's going to go Google it, find a tutorial that's similar, and say I'm a ripper.
  3. Yep, it's much easier than saying "OH YEA SUM GUYON TEH INTARWEBZ MAED IT".
  4. Haven't seen either of those, but my friend told me it was from a YouTube video, so meh. Credited.
  5. If your video has been removed by the annoying bastards at WMG, it's very simple to get them back up and running. NOTE: I don't give a shit if you do this, they're breaking the law by taking down videos. 1. Go to "My Videos". 2. Select "Resolve Copyright" on either the menu or on the video itself that is having copyright issues. 3. Go down, and select the option "I want to learn more about this dispute process". 4. Scroll down and select the "Take me to the dispute form" option. 5. Pick option 2, and copypaste this statement into the text bar next to it: "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use." 6. Fill out the rest of the information on the page, using your REAL name where it asks for it. Once that's done, click "Continue". 7. Scroll down the page select "Submit Dispute". This does work. Just wait a bit and your video will be back to what you uploaded it as. +Rep if you liked the tut or found it helpful, please. EDIT: Credit to some guy on YouTube for discovering this, I guess.
  6. Yeah, we'll see a LOT of new VIPs, seeing how yet again I got loads of -Rep for absolutely no reason. And I can't even use the -Rep thing either, it's been telling me I'm over the limit for 2-3 days now.
  7. No, it is not. I've never been to either of those sites, and if they are similar it is obviously because whoever first shared this information with the internet was ONE PERSON, so obviously the material should be similar. STOP MAKING DRAMA. I'm just trying yet again to give iBotModz a few tutorials I made for you guys. If you're too immature for it, I can always stop.
  8. I've never visited those sites before. Now I remember why I kept my tutorials elsewhere in the first place. You make ******** assumptions that you're always right, and then act on those shitty instincts thinking that you're right. I'll stop posting any tutorials I make, then, since everything is a god damn "ripped tutorial" since I'm sure there are millions out there, and mine happens to be similar to one of those millions.
  10. Remember: This is for educational purposes only, and shouldn't be used for illegal purposes. Lol. EDIT: Ok, who negative repped me? Can I have a reason besides "serious if it was u"?
  11. Fix'd. I made this tutorial myself.
  12. It's safer to have stuff delivered to an abandoned or foreclosed residence, and then pick it up, than sending it through a few different bank/PayPal accounts to get it into yours. If you cover your tracks well enough, you won't have much of a problem either way, but I wouldn't ever consider a plan to be foolproof. You can trespass, sure. Whatever floats your boat, as long as you don't get caught. And if it's a small amount, the original owner will be less likely to go insane with the authorities over it. EDIT: Really, if you just use common sense, you can decide plans that are far better than what I posted, but from what I know these are safe guidelines to think about if you ever feel like you need some extra shit.
  13. This is just a little info to use when transferring funds from a hacked account to your account, or for buying something with a hacked account. This is not a tutorial for hacking bank/PayPal accounts, this is just a little guide for using them without getting caught. NOTE: THIS TUTORIAL IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, DO NOT USE IT FOR ILLEGAL PURPOSES. K, anyways... 1. SUMMARY: Whatever you plan to do with your newfound wealth, note that what you are doing is illegal, and very easy to catch up with. So, obviously, you must cover your tracks. Whatever you buy or do, it must NOT include another person. More people means a higher chance of being caught up to by authorities. Do not try to access hacked out accounts from your home or business, because you'll stick out like a sore thumb. 2. LOCATION: The very best place to access accounts is from a place with free wi-fi, or some place where there is no record of you being there. This will give you anonymity as well as free internet to conduct your evildoings. Even better is to have accounts ready to be utilized while driving for multiple hours, since there will be even less of a chance of being caught while living hours away from the free wi-fi area. Use proxies from faraway countries like China, Russia, etc. to leave no trace behind. 3. PICK-UP: So, you were dumb enough to order something and send it to somewhere near you? Be careful. Send the item to a location a fair enough distance away to not be under much suspicion, but still in a place where you can easily pick up the goods and get back home discreetly. Wear a hoodie and ride a bicycle when you're going for your stuff to ensure nobody knows your identity. Clear your cache and internet history as soon as you finish dealing with the hacked account, and only use one "cashout" area one time. 4. CASHING OUT: Whatever you want with the money, DO NOT buy any sort of service, DO NOT buy anything that requires a license (such as a computer game or OS), and DO NOT buy anything from well known stores such as Best Buy, but instead buy from smaller, local stores. 5. TRANSFERRING PAYPAL: If you simply must transfer funds to your PayPal, use a chain of transfers. Send it from the hacked account to account a, then to account b, then to account c, then to account d, and finally to your PayPal. This is still very easily traceable, so I recommend buying a shipment of shit like iPods, and then selling those on eBay or craigslist. That about wraps up this. Remember, don't be retarded, and cover up your steps. +Rep if you liked the post or found it useful. This is my tutorial, so please give me credit if you post it somewhere else. Thanks!
  14. Dibs on moderating lol, just signed up. Should be obvious what my name is.
  15. We all know about the hacked road signs that displayed those zombie warning messages. That was done wirelessly. This will not, but accomplishes the same goal. NOTE: THIS TUTORIAL IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, DO NOT USE IT FOR ILLEGAL PURPOSES. To start off, you'll need to find a target. If you live in a place where road construction is a big thing, these roadsigns will be all over the place. 1. Find the access panel on the side of the roadsign. Normally, it is protected by a small lock, although otherwise it is unprotected. Do whatever you want to get through the lock and to the electronics. 2. There is a black control pad attached to a curly wire which has a keyboard on it's face. Scroll down the menu to "Instant Text", type what you want to display, and hit enter. 3. You can now either put it on the sign by selecting "Run w/o save", or you can add more pages to it by selecting "Add page". IF IT ASKS YOU FOR A PASSWORD, enter "DOTS", which is the default password. If it's changed, don't worry, just hold "Ctrl" and "Shift" while you enter "DIPY", which will reset the sign and the password. If you decide to do this, make sure you reference it to zombies. Everyone loooves zombies. REMEBER: IF SOMEONE SEES YOU, RUN THE F*CK AWAY, OR YOU'RE IN HUGEASS TROUBLE! +Rep if you liked the tut or found it useful. Sauce is Here, so Fatal won't get his panties in a knot.
  16. No, won't work. You can't "make LIVE's servers think you have something else", if your gamerpicture isn't in their servers, they'll just show the last one you had or a default.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9o5_W6hn9k This is one of the lulziest things I've ever seen.
  18. Only you can see it, everybody else sees the last gamer picture that was logged on Xbox LIVE's servers. So you'll be using the same gamer picture as you were before to everyone but yourself.
  19. Getting a virustotal of this, hold on just a second. EDIT: VirusTotal Scan It's clean, yaaay!
  20. No one's using the rep system unless they want to negative rep someone. In places where everyone's saying "oh, that's great, thanks a bunch" or something similar, they don't positive rep. How can anyone get VIP if nobody will give rep?
  21. I hope you wore a condom, or you'll be a petri dish of STDs.
  22. How about a system where you "buy" rep, like on your Control Panel you can send a PayPal payment of some amount of money and get 25, 50, etc. rep?
  23. WIINERD!!!!!!!!!1111!!11!!!!ELEVENTY!!1!1!!ONEHUNDRED!!11!! k what do I win?
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WNrx2jq184
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