I17 is blocked because it is the Master Chief's Service Tag. A few others because the are Service Tags of other SPARTANs in the storyline. And the -00 ones, I have no idea.
If anyone has them, I'm looking for a few .3ds models for something I'm working on. I need: Halo 2 Models: Any and all Flood Models Brute(s) Elites (Honor Guards also) Marines Wraith Grunts Jackals Drones Pelican Halo 3 Models (if they are available yet): Any and all Flood Models Elites Marines Ghost Marines If you have or can find any of these models in .3ds format or a format accepted by 3DS Max 9, it'd be much appreciated. Oh, and thanks T3A_guy for indirectly helping me acquire 3DS Max 9. Lol.