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Everything posted by ImaGonnaGetYou

  1. omg u rasist basterdddd JK.
  2. ROFL at the Bell Ringer one. Cult one was pretty funny aswell.
  3. Actually, I hate 4chan. Ironic, isn't it?
  4. 1. Don't use a connection from an ISP called "Cox". 2. Don't use a connection from Comcast. 3. ????? 4. PROFIT
  5. I'm bored k thx.
  6. http://www.shodor.org/~isinclair/lolwut.jpg ^Answer to the above posts.^
  7. http://www.bagelsound.com/visual/digital/splice/images/over9000.jpg jk lol
  8. Fix'd.
  9. OMG IPB3 within a month!
  10. NO SE7ENSINS IS BETTER [/sarcasm]
  11. Meh, atleast 90% of those emembers are inactive.
  12. Send in the fail whaleplane!
  13. LOL thanks.
  14. By the way, where can I get supermodder's profile tool? My account is nearly 6MB and I want a different clan tag >.>
  15. I17 is blocked because it is the Master Chief's Service Tag. A few others because the are Service Tags of other SPARTANs in the storyline. And the -00 ones, I have no idea.
  16. You're not VIP anymore lol.
  17. Thanks for contributing to my project and this thread. [/sarcasm] Peaches, that'd help alot if you can send me your models when you get back.
  18. Don't worry, I'm sure you won't die. I think... JK, good luck with the blood work.
  19. If anyone has them, I'm looking for a few .3ds models for something I'm working on. I need: Halo 2 Models: Any and all Flood Models Brute(s) Elites (Honor Guards also) Marines Wraith Grunts Jackals Drones Pelican Halo 3 Models (if they are available yet): Any and all Flood Models Elites Marines Ghost Marines If you have or can find any of these models in .3ds format or a format accepted by 3DS Max 9, it'd be much appreciated. Oh, and thanks T3A_guy for indirectly helping me acquire 3DS Max 9. Lol.
  20. Have fun on your week in Afghanistan kthx
  22. Halo Wars is awesome for online play, methinks. You can also check your Service Record at halowars.com, I've been told.
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