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Everything posted by ImaGonnaGetYou

  1. Meh, would've been better if he had 69 posts.
  2. What are you talking about? Only 7.87% of his posts are 1337, and that's almost nothing!
  3. There have been many apps that do this better than you do far into the past, and just because you read a tutorial online and put it in video form does not mean you deserve credit for anything. And no matter how many drugs you are high on, you cannot mod Halo 3 on a retail console.
  4. Sounds like a virus. I'll get a scan on it in just a sec. EDIT: It's just a bruteforcer, how do you expect this to work well? It'll take ages.
  5. I don't know what's worse, throwing up, or watching this montage. I only got halfway through and I had a headache. 1. Get, you know, fitting music. 2. Edit out the parts where it's blatantly obvious that you suck at no-scoping 3. Stop using z's in every word of every sentence, because it makes me think you're a two year old.
  6. ImaGonnaGetYou


    Never mind.
  7. How on earth did you get that many? Did the mailman just carry a bunch of bags of those to your doorstep? Jesus. EDIT: And I agree with Dan, make a profit whenever possible.
  8. Fail embed fixed. EDIT: Ah mah gawd, found this too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm03Dgu_yXA
  9. EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JaW_f45xnY]SUICIDE PUTTY, linked due to fail YouTube embed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JaW_f45xnY
  10. That's wierd, I put a download link in the post. Dunno why it won't work now.
  11. I guess you could say that.
  12. How to Mod Your Fallout 3 Experience and Inventory What You Need: Xport/Xsata Xplorer360/Xport360 Fallout 3 Editor - Download Rehasher/Resigner 1. Open Partition 3 in your hard drive, then Content > Your Profile > Fallout 3 > 0001000 > Your Save File 2. Extract your save to the desired directory, and make a backup incase you screw up. 3. Open FOedit, and wait for the program's files to load, then enter "load", and enter the directory of the file you extracted. 4. First, enter "listinv". This will list your entire inventory, including quest items and such. Inventory Modding: 1. To change the amount of an item you have, such as, say, Winterized T-51b Power Armor, find it on the inventory list. Remember the number of that item on the list. Now, enter "setinvqty (The number the item is located on on the list) (the quantity of that item you want)". For example, if the T-51b is in slot number 54, and I wanted 9 instead of 1, I'd enter "setinvqty 54 9". 2. If you want to swap out an item with another item, enter "setinvfid (The number the item is located on on the list) (The 8-number ID of the item you want the first item swapped for)". For example, if I wanted to swap T-51b with another item, I'd enter "setinvfid 54 00000000" (With the 0's being the ID of the desired item). 3. Do not create thousands upon thousands of heavy items such as Miniguns, Missile launchers, etc., since the game will be in a permanent state of lag. Experience Modding: 1. Simply enter "setexp" and change your experience value to whatever you want. If you haven't loaded Broken Steel on your save yet, it will only max out at 20 until you load it. Other Stuff: 1. Enter "help", and more commands will show up. With this, you can also edit your stats. Finishing: 1. Enter "save", wait a few seconds, then close the program, rehash, resign, and you're done. 2. Drop the edited file back into the Fallout 3 save folder, and have fun with your mod. I would recommend getting the Mysterious Stranger's .44 Magnum, since it does OVER 9000 damage, literally. Visit the Fallout 3 Wiki and search for the item you want, and the information box on the right of the page will show its ID. Credit goes to Complicator from Game-Tuts for making the app.
  13. Well, Firefox doesn't work on my computer, so pages take forever to load even on a fast connection. Also, A lot of the layout features are placed terribly. I like many of the new features, such as reputation and the recent topic list, but IPB3 has so many bugs and problems with Internet Explorer that I would rather stick to IPB2 until the bugs are worked out. EDIT: And, as diet said, I don't know what khaos was smoking when he posted that, but this site has no similarity to a social networking site besides the fact that we talk to other people, which we could do in any forum.
  14. Are you serious, or is that a sarcastic tl;dr?
  15. http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd72/suriyasiero/553px-Lol_que.jpg
  16. Too lazy, don't even want to bother reading it a second time. I'll probably have a stroke or something.
  17. They are both the same person, for anyone wondering. Why ban him/her? (I will refer to the person as "it" in this post) - It has been trying to discuss PartnerNet content with those without access to it. - It has been threatening to hack others (although these threats are obviously full of hot air). - It is an idiot in general. - It is impersonating others. Even a ban from the chatbox would help, seeing how there has been an enormous conversation spawned from it trying to wh0re attention as a dev kit owner. Thanks. If you have any other reasons, go ahead and post, kthx.
  18. That's what she said. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist xD
  19. http://www.afternoonespresso.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/i-find-this-humerus1.jpg
  20. Please note that the reason I'm takling about hacking and stuff is because I wanted the kid to scream "BS" and run off so I could keep talking to my friend, but he didn't, so... enjoy! WARNING: THIS CONVO IS EXTREMELY LARGE! I WOULDN'T BLAME YOU IF YOU POSTED "TL;DR" AS YOUR RESPONSE! But you would be missing out on humor, so meh. Oh, and I don't have an account with Recon either. Was BSing about that too, lulz. zac says: u thur Kevin says: yes zac says: can you get that account Kevin says: unless you the assemblergames account has access to the marketplace, or you get me in contact with the sellers you were talking about, the no then no* zac says: there not online Kevin says: well then you'll have to wait til they are zac says: well how much $ you have Kevin says: 600 plus a bunch of crap im selling which should get me around 300-400 but you said they sell demos for 800 zac says: idk if they could get demos Kevin says: -.- you told me they sell demo kits for 800 zac says: ya demo kits r gunna be 800 idk if they have em could you get me a recon account Kevin says: again, yes but im just going to give it away zac says: instead of helpin my friend Kevin says: im actually gonna go sell it on a site i go to this weekend zac says: get his gt back Kevin says: so unless you're interested in buying it, you won't be getting it zac says: the dev guys are online Kevin says: k ask em to add me on msn or aim zac says: whats the account with recon Kevin says: -.- zac says: s gt Kevin says: the dev guys are obviously not online zac says: he is Kevin says: you just want the name of the account, so you can get your other friends to hack it from me i'm not retarded. zac says: no i kno no other hackers besides u Kevin says: yes, and i'm going to take your word for it instead of selling the account for upwards of 50 dollars look, i'm not telling you the gt unless you're interested in buying it an anti-hacker policy of mine zac says: i helped you get onto that site Kevin says: i had an account but the admin didn't verify he didn't verify yours either so no, you didn't zac says: i helped you and you did nothing for me Kevin says: helped me what? zac says: =( Kevin says: please explain what you helped me with zac says: getting you on that site and im gunna hook you up with a dev person Kevin says: yes, but you haven't yet. zac says: tell me the gt Kevin says: so no, yo haven't helped me "yet" zac says: and i will Kevin says: nope. i have other sources of dev kits zac says: i guess you dont want a dev that bad Kevin says: i hope you realize this whatever, if i sell this account i can buy one from xenon anyways too bad so sad zac says: meh no skin off my noise Kevin says: noise? i believe it's "nose" zac says: w/e lol i and o are close together <3s? Kevin says: what? zac says: <3s? Kevin says: wtf is that zac says: <3 heart Kevin says: so what are you asking with <3s? zac says: we cool ? Kevin says: somewhat zac says: ... Kevin says: you say that i can speak to the dev sellers zac says: i help you and i dont get a thanks Kevin says: how did you help me? the site doesn't count, that didn't help and you say that you know dev sellers, but you won't reveal their identity or put me in contact with them i could say i shit bars of gold zac says: tell me the recon gt Kevin says: and it'd have as much believability as your claims absolutely not zac says: and ill put you intouch with the dev guy Kevin says: how about the other way around zac says: wowowow Kevin says: since i have another source for a dev kit and you don't have another source for recon zac says: i could ask around Kevin says: well, good luck with that because, in case you haven't noticed bungie knows who the modders are and he doesn't treat them to recon zac says: ? Kevin says: and most recon accounts get banned and lose their recon if they change ips but i used the guys main account for a while, then hacked his recon account so it has been lost yet and there have been about 5 sales of recon accounts ever so, knowing that, looking for a sixth should be a dim alternative zac says: could you hack this account for me ill pay you Kevin says: how much? zac says: 25 30 Kevin says: do you have paypal? zac says: ya Kevin says: alright, he's what ill do i'll hack the account, and prove ownership you send paypal once i have verified payment, i give you the account details zac says: his account is WTF OMGre 1 Kevin says: and you do whatever ...why a 1 now? and why hack him? zac says: cuz Kevin says: flaming, or what? zac says: i hates him Kevin says: well, whatever, as long as he's active cause if he's been offline for more than 5 days, i won't waste my time zac says: look then Kevin says: no can do, sorry zac says: y Kevin says: he's got recon, first of all, and second, he's over the rank of general zac says: so Kevin says: if i hacked him, i'd get like 70 bucks minimum from the site i go to and that's if i rushed and sold before fridya friday* zac says: mmm ill pay 80 Kevin says: i doubt it, but ill try zac says: prove that you hacked it send me a msg on his account Kevin says: k, that was the original plan but hacking someone with recon will be difficult and also, if my friend wants it, im giving it to him for free he has priority on recon accounts since he has a buyer zac says: dont be a dick Kevin says: it's strictly business zac says: aka being an ass Kevin says: if you want a recon account that badly, you can hack it yourself zac says: i ask for it 1st Kevin says: no, actually he did about 3 months back zac says: that account Kevin says: he has a buyer that pays 90 bucks per recon account zac says: ill pay 100 Kevin says: already bought one, and most likely will buy the one i have now and i highly, highly doubt you will zac says: y not a recon general 100 Kevin says: heh thats funny you weren't willing to pay anything yesterday but now you're prepared to throw 100 bucks in the toilet zac says: i didnt trust u then Kevin says: the bs alarm is ringing here do you have any people on your friends list you want hacked? zac says: ya Kevin says: 15 bucks a piece, unless their over 10k gamerscore zac says: but i want that one account Kevin says: i'll hack it later, since people with recon aren't usually fooled by social engineering anyone on your friends list, though, should be easier pick a name out of a hat or something zac says: mmm shishka 250 Kevin says: ha, yeah right on your friends list zac says: i sent request Kevin says: can't hack a bungie member zac says: y not Kevin says: waaay too easy to track down and sue zac says: ak did Kevin says: ak did? who? zac says: ak47 Kevin says: who's that? zac says: he hack several bungie accounts and used there credit cards Kevin says: pffft yeah right zac says: ill send you a vid link Kevin says: probably modded gamerscore or modding his friends list along with offline accounts zac says: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh-T-YPcYeU...re=channel_page Kevin says: that's the same guy that has a video of himself modding his gamertag -.- zac says: brownv Kevin says: no, the youtube user YouMilfs zac says: works for bungie Kevin says: yes, the youtube user modded their gamertag to say BrownV zac says: no Kevin says: nothing special about that yes, he did. zac says: no he didnt Kevin says: proof? zac says: watch the vid Kevin says: don't see any proof. he modded his gamertag, big deal. zac says: watch the whole vid Kevin says: not only is it modded, it hasn't played any games online brownv has played online on multiple occasions zac says: ya Kevin says: so obviously that is a modded gamertag you can't delete games from your profile on b.net so therefore zac says: how Kevin says: it is modded i said you can't delete games so it should be atleast a recruit, if not higher zac says: it is higher major grade 3 Kevin says: the brownv account is not a rank in anything look at it and a bungie member would not be banned from matchmaking zac says: 37xpSocial Big Team 22xpSocial Skirmish 14xpTeam Flag Kevin says: are you on b.net or the video? zac says: b.net Kevin says: the video has a brownv that is banned from matchmaking and has 0xp so obviously, as i said, it is a hacked accoutn account* zac says: ya he hack his account Kevin says: ... look, if he hacked the account it would still be the same rank it wouldn't be banned from live banned from matchmaking* zac says: it could Kevin says: if the real account was banned from matchmaking, it wouldn't have exp in any playlists, since that was a more recent update than that video that vid was from like july 2008 the update was after that zac says: and Kevin says: so obviously, the account in the video is a new account with a modded gamertag since it cannot be the original legitimate account, as proved abovce above* zac says: y not Kevin says: ...oh my god. read all of the above evidence, please zac says: i did and Kevin says: ...wow. never mind ill just stop talking about that now. and save the chat for lulz k saved it zac says: saved what Kevin says: nothing, nothing at all anyways can you put me in contact with the dev seller or not? yes or no? zac says: yes what can you do for me Kevin says: hack someone on your friends list that is a regular person, not a bungie member or recon holder must be below a colonel in rank as well zac says: t2squared Kevin says: no t2squared account i can find have they played halo? zac says: t2isrippin Kevin says: noope i know you're just coming up with well known people off the top of your head and i can't view your friends list on xbl =\ they must be on your friends list so i have a reference zac says: i kno Kevin says: like "oh yeah pwnage was telling me about you blah blah blah" zac says: ? Kevin says: must have a reference point, can't have recon as in they must be on your friends list not just a request, on your friends list also if they've been there for a while that helps i only use networking to hack accounts if it's something personal zac says: hack Kevin says: ? zac says: mmm Kevin says: and unless it directly involves me, i don't consider it personal zac says: new0001 Kevin says: bungie member zac says: a tuxedo cat hack him Kevin says: how are you affiliated with him? cause im not hacking random people zac says: a friends friend he on my friends friends list actually no hack skatingcracker Kevin says: you told me that was your account -.- zac says: it was a friends then someone hack it and i want it back Kevin says: nope, he's a brigadier and he's got a load of gamerscore zac says: so Kevin says: so, i'd keep it if i hacked it or, to be more precise, sell it zac says: ... dont be a dick Kevin says: once again, it is strictly business zac says: aka being an ass Kevin says: don't want to deal with business, do it yourself don't want to do it yourself, deal with business zac says: send me a msg on that gamertag Kevin says: there is no best of both worlds unless you like that hannah montana BS on what gamertag? zac says: skatingcracker Kevin says: i don't have it and i won't unless i find a buyer for a brigadier then i'll hack it, and turn it right over to them i don't tamper with accounts i plan to sell zac says: why don toyu just hold onto it incase some 1 wants to buy it Kevin says: because the only thing that can happen is the person gets more exp or ranks up while i wait which = more cash in my pocket zac says: so send me a msg on his account Kevin says: maybe if you put me in contact with one of thos edev sellers, i would reconsider and no zac says: i can Kevin says: i don't tamper with accounts to be sold, no exceptions zac says: there online and im talking to them Kevin says: well then tell them to add me on aim or msn zac says: what have you done for me Kevin says: offered to hack an account for you, that could easily be worth over 25 dollars zac says: skatingcracker Kevin says: no an account zac says: ya his account Kevin says: no, skatingcracker you'll get if you do something far more helpful just telling someone to takl to me does not deserve a 35 dollar account zac says: i already helpd you and i didnt get a thank you Kevin says: helped me what? sign up for a site im already signed up with? yeah, thanks im still at square 1, so it didn't do anything for me zac says: your welcome Kevin says: and i hope you got the sarcasm there zac says: i didnt Kevin says: well it was sarcasm zac says: =( where is the luv Kevin says: because 5 minutes does not equal around 30 minutes screwing up somebodies account and then another 10 making the info into BS and then 5-10 minutes proving ownership of the account zac says: oh bo ho Kevin says: so your logic fails zac says: garr i hate when people say fail Kevin says: congratulations now, if you'll excuse me i have an account to hack, for my own use zac says: which one Kevin says: skatingcracker zac says: thats fine with me Kevin says: but first, i'll drop by my site zac says: where yo live sc? can you send me a lobster Kevin says: -.- zac says: in trade for the dev guy at least a 3 pound lobster Kevin says: yes, im going to basically give you my address ok zac says: idc Kevin says: i'm retarded, so that's fine with me /sarcasj sarcasm* zac says: idc is it 6 thur 32 5? ? Kevin says: why? zac says: jw Kevin says: it's 12:32 afternoon, thqat is that* zac says: no lol nice try can you hack a website for me Kevin says: depends what website zac says: kayden420 .com Kevin says: why? zac says: i whats to hax the site Kevin says: well, why? zac says: wants cuz i want to can you hack thhat site Kevin says: sure, if i get paid for it zac says: 20 Kevin says: im not going to do something highly illegal unless its worth it and no thaks thanks zac says: 50 Kevin says: nope zac says: 80 Kevin says: nope zac says: 120 Kevin says: hmmm nah zac says: 220 Kevin says: nope zac says: 340 Kevin says: it's obvious that you wouldn't go through with it zac says: i would Kevin says: your price has no end, so obviously you have very little if any at al all* zac says: i has a job Kevin says: and? zac says: i make money 100 a day Kevin says: you can afford to pay upwards of 300 dollars to hack a website? yeah, right. zac says: ya Kevin says: ooh, special zac says: i have 2500 in my bank aswell Kevin says: well i won't let you waste it on hacking a website it's a waste of money zac says: you dont want money ? zac just sent you a nudge. Kevin says: what? zac says: you dont want 350? Kevin says: nope it'd waste your money zac says: fine with me Kevin says: which im sure you don't have to pay with zac says: did you look at the site Kevin says: no zac says: kayden420.com Kevin says: im not going to it zac says: i see you on ibot modz Kevin says: hahaha lol zac says: lol Kevin says: now leave me alone so i can send this convo to everyone
  21. nothx
  22. Oh, I wish I lived in Canada as much as you like it there. That was srs, btw.
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