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Everything posted by ImaGonnaGetYou

  1. I will, since V3NOM likes to steal other men's *****es for his personal pleasures.
  2. Florida is awesome, but Canada pwns it in the ass.
  3. WRONG. You can mod your stats, exp, gold, skull, and skull color. Also, if you mod your exp, you just get a level up every time you hit an enemy. You can get all of your stats to 255 by modding, your level to 99, your gold to 65,000, and your skull to silver or gold.
  4. You're some luckyass people. We haven't had more than an eighth of an inch of snow since 2001.
  5. Meh. I'll just watch this unfold. Although I do somewhat believe V3NOM at this point, I'm not going to help him unless he changes his ways.
  6. I've done this before, it's fairly simple, but it ONLY works on accounts less than 2MB. Any accounts higher will corrupt.
  7. Hopefully you realize that he has a demo kit.
  8. You fail at funny. Lawlz.
  9. LOL @ Scammer.
  10. That gives no evidence that he gave anyone a virus and/or trojan, and also Dark Slipstream has already stated that he will only be dealing with VIP members, and not regular members.
  11. If you provide me one single lick of evidence that he gave you a virus or trojan, I will give an XBL account with a Halo 3 50.
  12. No, you're wrong. You people are almost religiously asking for Epsilon to be banned. He did NOTHING wrong, and all of your claims are comletely baseless.
  13. Although I do admit that that was the most fun I've had on iBotModz as of yet, I think the only reason I participated was because I didn't care about being banned because half of the site is nothing but flamers anyways. If the flame was fixed, such a problem would not have arisen, because no one would be spreading rumors that Epsilon had hacked accounts, which, of course, he didn't. If someone is teamviewing him, I'm pretty freaking sure that he didn't hack anybody. EDIT: Dark, the whole thing started because everyone started typing "ALL UR COMP R BELONG TO EPSILON", which started because everyone thought he hacked a VIP account. As it turns out, it was T3A guy who hacked it, and now all of the "noobz" are blaming Epsilon. Perhaps for favor, perhaps for something else, but they won't shut up. Don't ban Epsilon, he didn't hack anyone, he just was blamed, and then this whole thing started.
  14. You already got your demo kit? Wow. EDIT: Actually, he's prolly selling a fake on Xbox-Scene. Here's his picture for "proof". http://i68.servimg.com/u/f68/13/58/81/16/06410.jpg
  15. I honestly have no idea. Thanks anyways.
  16. I lol'ed at the random background change.
  17. Wow, you guys ruined his account for the maps a few days early? Bunch of assholes.
  18. ImaGonnaGetYou


    Cannot Be Displayed Cannot Be Displayed Cannot Be Displayed
  19. ^Example of a gay person.
  20. Or just delete all of the off-topic posts and put it back on-topic?
  21. Hopefully, you realize that "real cheap" for a demo/dev kit is still nearly a thousand dollars, although perhaps slightly lower for a demo kit.
  22. Up your ass like where your getting all of your other posts. Don't buy a dev kit, for the last freaking time. Atleast put some thought into the amount of programming knowledge it takes to do anything useful with a kit.
  23. =.Map Modding?
  24. Judging people by level of importance is extremely close to, if not already, elitist.
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