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Xx Legacy xX

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Everything posted by Xx Legacy xX

  1. same thing happen to me
  2. omg i love it its in my siggyture yay yay yay ily fatall
  3. ** THIS MAY BE GROSS TO SOME PEOPLE THIS IS UR WARNING ** S*H*I*T every word blanked out is that 1. One of the most popular swear/cuss/curse words/profanities 2. another word Feces. Poop. ******. Scheisse. Poo Poo. Brownies. The s*** List: The Ghost s*** The kind where you feel s*** come out, see s*** on the toilet paper, but there's no s*** in the bowl. The Clean s*** The kind where you feel s*** come out, see s*** in the bowl, but there's no s*** on the toilet paper. The Wet s*** You wipe your ass fifty times and it still feels unwiped. So you end up putting toilet paper between your ass and your underwear so you don't ruin them with those dreadful skid marks. The Second Wave s*** This s*** happens when you've finished, your pants are up to your knees, and you suddenly realize you have to s*** some more. The Brain Hemorrahage Through Your Nose s*** Also known as "Pop a Vein in Your Forehead s***". You have to strain so much to get it out that you turn purple and practically have a stroke. The Corn s*** No explanation necessary. The Lincoln Log s*** The kind of s*** that's so enormous you're afraid to flush it down without first breaking it up into little pieces with the toilet brush. The Nororius Drinker s*** The kind of s*** you have the morning after a long night of drinking. It's most noticeable trait is the tread mark left on the bottom of the toilet bowl after you flush. The "Gee, I Really Wish I Could s***" s*** The kind where you want to s***, but even after straining your guts out, all you can do is sit on the toilet, cramped and farting. The Wet Cheeks s*** Also known as the "Power Dump". That's the kind that comes out of your ass so fast that your butt cheeks get splashed with the toilet water. The Liquid s*** That's the kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots out of your butt, splashes all over the side of the toilet bowl and, at the same time, chronically burns your tender poop-chute. The Mexican Food s*** A class all on its own. The Crowd Pleaser This s*** is so intriguing in size and/or appearance that you have to show it to someone before flushing. The Mood Enhancer This s*** occurs after a lengthy period of constipation, thereby allowing you to be your old self again. The Ritual This s*** occurs at the same time each day and is accomplished with the aid of a newspaper. The Guinness Book Of Records s*** A s*** so noteworthy it should be recorded for future generations. The Aftershock s*** This s*** has an odour so powerful than anyone entering the vicinity within the next seven hours is affected. The "Honeymoon's Over" s*** This is any s*** created in the presence of another person. The Groaner A s*** so huge it cannot exit without vocal assistance. The Floater Characterized by its floatability, this s*** has been known to resurface after many flushings. The Ranger A s*** which refuses to let go. It is usually necessary to engage in a rocking or bouncing motion, but quite often the only solution is to push it away with a small piece of toilet paper. The Phantom s*** This appears in the toilet mysteriously and no one will admit to putting it there. The Peek-A-Boo s*** Now you see it, now you don't. This s*** is playing games with you. Requires patience and muscle control. The Bombshell A s*** that comes as a complete surprise at a time that is either inappropriate to s*** (i.e. during lovemaking or a root canal) or you are nowhere near ******** facilities. The Snake Charmer A long skinny s*** which has managed to coil itself into a frightening position - usually harmless. The Olympic s*** This s*** occurs exactly one hour prior to the start of any competitive event in which you are entered and bears a close resemblance to the Drinker's s***. The Back-To-Nature s*** This s*** may be of any variety but is always deposited either in the woods or while hiding behind the passenger side of your car. The Pebbles-From-Heaven s*** An adorable collection of small turds in a cluster, often a gift from God when you actually can't s***. Premeditated s*** Laxative induced. Doesn't count. Shitzopherenia Fear of ******** - can be fatal! Energizer Vs. Duracell s*** Also known as a "Still Going" s***. The Power Dump s*** The kind that comes out so fast, you barely get your pants down when you're done. The Liquid Plumber s*** This kind of s*** is so big it plugs up the toilet and it overflows all over the floor. (You should have followed the advice from the Lincoln Log s***.) The Spinal Tap s*** The kind of s*** that hurts so much coming out, you'd swear it's got to be coming out sideways. The "I Think I'm Giving Birth Through My @ssH#$%" s*** Similar to the Lincoln Log and The Spinal Tap Shits. The shape and size of the turd resembles a tall boy beer can. Vacuous air space remains in the rectum for some time afterwards. The Porridge s*** The type that comes out like toothpaste, and just keeps on coming. You have two choices: a) flush and keep going, or cool.gif risk it piling up to your butt while you sit there helpless. The "I'm Going To Chew My Food Better" s*** When the bag of Doritos you ate last night lacerates the insides of your rectum on the way out in the morning. The "I Think I'm Turning Into A Bunny" s*** When you drop lots of cute, little round ones that look like marbles and make tiny splashing sounds when they hit the water. The "What The Hell Died In Here?" s*** Also sometimes referred to as "The Toxic Dump". Of course you don't warn anyone of the poisonous bathroom odour. Instead, you stand innocently near the door and enjoy the show as they run out gagging and gasping for air. The "I Just Know There's A Turd Still Dangling There" s*** Where you just sit there patiently and wait for the last cling-on to drop off because if you wipe now, it's going to smear all over the place. "AW s***" "I have to take a s***" i thought i would share
  4. Bump because i am cool like that and i have a record bump now ? lmao whats up guys
  5. yay abcz is back
  6. added urs sorry ive been sick for the past 2 days in bed i am still sick blehh
  7. we get our own colors
  8. done sorry i though i did
  9. first to 10 votes wins no cheating, i voted for smokie
  10. this is one of my best sigs, it took so long to make LOOK AT THE STOCK stock http://www.unique-screenwriting.com/images...ighting.jpg.jpg v1 v2
  11. yay glad choo liki -regaci
  12. o yea.... well he is a dark hero now http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11241 ur gift
  13. yayyy giifftyy for uuu
  14. you need a gifty buddy, ily yays stock used: http://blog.ugo.com/images/uploads/aquaman.jpg
  15. thats awesome
  16. images due 12 noon tomorrow (12 hours from now) voting will start a lil later
  17. be back sunday maybe i will bee here idk
  19. nice i like it, works great
  20. Xx Legacy xX


  21. lol thats great. ahhahaha grrrriiinnndddd biachhh mofffuuus -legacy
  22. sorry for the dlb post but the due date is this sunday. since i will be back this sunday
  23. thats good for a first in to years. i like the red blood next time u make a sig maybe try having one focal and more of a background. great job -legacy (lOVES PIee)
  24. awesome job bud you should consider making one for ibotmodz -legggacy
  25. thx ahahah rate them
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