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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. V3NOM

    Phone Modding.

    no tried that didnt work...
  2. V3NOM


    no pics = no download no pics = phail and if its in ppf format then why is it 50 mb???
  3. yay it wont let me place a marker...
  4. Is there any mods for the sprint Rumor or LG Fusic??? Like flashscreen mods or anything... Or a Website for mods or modding for one of these phones thnx
  5. V3NOM

    Best rapper

    wow lil wayne sucks baullz he sounds like sh1t he thinks hes soooo hard core but hes just a wanna be He used to be in the crips but is now in the bloods??? He is fake
  6. HEYYYYYYY Kryptonite is my video editing name come on....
  7. nice superbump next time look at when the post was made and when the last reply was
  8. athrun just dont take anymore of being bullied and beat up and im glad you treat your boyfriends well...
  9. lol you guys do know thats not what your internet actually is thats just the maximum it can be the actuall speed of your internet is usually half to 2/3 of that
  10. wow you guys are reallyyyyyy dumb for even thinking this was real at all lame hes been out of office for a while and it said august...
  11. ADD MY NEW GAMERTAG CaBBy LiKeZ MeN FYI IYDK: CaBBy = SotG Caboose http://i724.photobucket.com/albums/ww248/V3NOMaYNe/69641695-Medium.jpg this is just a joke but you can add anyway CLICK MAI EGGSSS
  12. V3NOM


    DIE!!!1 Good Luck If you live ill give you an account when you come back. if not can I have your account?
  13. V3NOM


    HAPPY PI DAY!!!! http://www.pieheaven.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/pumpkin_pie_slice.jpg NOT THAT KIND OF PIE http://www.crumpart.net/images/patterns/knitting/pie2.jpg NOW PIE YOURSELF AFTER THAT ONE..... ITS THIS KIND OF PI... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/Pi-symbol.svg/600px-Pi-symbol.svg.png http://www.tomdukich.com/math%20pi%20decimal%20matrix.jpg SO HAPPY PI DAY AKA MARCH 14 3.14
  14. anything that ends with 00 then I17 N64 P52 P53 420 thats alll i can think offf....
  15. Noo They block them everything that ends with 00 is blocked someone doo I17 or O00 or M00 lul I did this alongggg time ago and then when slip told me how i rememberd that I already knew how
  16. I was about to post this but im too lazyyy Nice and simple Would be better with pics... lol dont cause it will corrupt your profile.....
  17. why not just mod it its reallyyyy easy to do...
  18. Who wants to play team slayer in H3? I made a new account and it wont go up even though i win everygame and get vip everygame... anyway... I need some people who are ... decent that are at least a 32 in team slayer. My GT is V3NO mmmmmmmmmm (just V3NO then all the m 's it lets you do) Thanks
  19. what??? Just because I named some after you???
  20. CLICK MAI EGGS TOO!!! And I was kiddin I clicked your eggs a few times....
  21. V3NOM

    halo 3 test mod

    might be cool if you played with 3 friends on your xbox or somethin other than that no it sucks but keep trying and stuff it prolly wont be as fun considering anyone can mod and everything has been done before
  22. i thought about clicking then i just stoped and said die dragons!!!! lulz what if I kept hitting their site offline so your dragon would die lulz
  23. doesnt open h3 screenshots for me....
  24. has anyone tested the screenshot injection...?
  25. good editing bad gameplay no one likes custom maps and these look like you just tried them a million times with a friend and I have a new xbox scrub so get at me hoe
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