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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. It looked like a bunch of little kids playing on assembly and you advertise your site wayyyyyy too much if your videos were good they would go there just cause their good and for the hundreth time Spartans vs Elites is the gayest name ive ever heard
  2. XP Boosting FTW!
  3. yes. then we can play my gaurdian remake on sandbox...!!!!
  4. V3NOM

    [Sell] XBL acc.

    wow. How about gicve it back to the community I always give away by accs
  5. HAHAa you cant brutforce windows live id's more proof your a scrub shesh more of a random than i thought
  6. V3NOM

    Course mod

    Salut. Soyez bienvenus à Ibotmodz. Appréciez votre séjour. (Im in French I) Anyway... Looks like an alright map...
  7. wow I think someone needs to stop trying to get vip. It makes it seems like your just helping to get vip, when you should do it because its the right thing to do.
  8. lol How about learn how to jack accounts yourself. Anyone who could do it for wouldnt because we get at least 3 of these kind of messages a day....
  9. V3NOM

    My Website

    haha i thought it said jewish modz at first i think i joined idk.../.
  10. good idea bad execution Should have been flooded foundryy Horrible editing it just sucked
  11. I dont say crap unless they say something first. And I help new members. Ive witnessed you several flaming members for no apparante reason but to flame.
  12. Im tired of you flaming that i cant do shitttttt when you let me prove it/. saying if i was a good hacker i could get your ip without getting in a party with you
  13. ---------------------
  14. I met this guy who got it from someone who bought it. The person who bought it was just giving it away like candy.
  15. lol @ social clips
  16. Nice release. Ill test an a minute... *edit New it was too good to be true.... Everytime I try to open a map in UM changer it says "Invalid Usermap" *edit2 GI editor doesnt load films/film clips its slow to open the app. this was just like xp modder or whatever no offense but this program phails like xp modder It has a nice gui but nothing works......
  17. lol yeah thanks for helping we got a name change thoh
  18. Best yet: Fly the davinci code cube!!!
  19. this is stupid theres like 3 girls
  20. PM? I think that it should be public. It would bring up debates so that the decision is made as a whole.
  21. wow. this wouldnt work for bots though so it is pointless.
  22. April Fools?
  23. Tommorow is April Fool's Day, and for some of you like me you like to do pranks. Well here is a good site for some.... http://www.aprilfoolzone.com/
  24. I think it should be a subsection in the movies/music section. Or just rename the Movies/Music section and make it Media and put the ebooks and that in their....
  25. Im wanting someone to make me a cool logo or something for my Halo 3 Gamebattles Singles Team called CeLeBriTy STaTuS. I was thinking something like diddy or something with stunna shades with some cool renders and it have [star]CeLeBriTy STaTuS[star] Wait. Like P Diddy or someone like that with stunna shades on facing kind of < that way and a somewhat faded hollywood walk of fame star and it say CeLeBriTy STaTuS. I can probably give you something in return Thanks
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