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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. V3NOM

    Mythic Map Pack

    true unless your dealling with me lol and if my call me v3nom account is banned im hackingg alllllll of your sh1ttt
  2. V3NOM


    yeah i dont do it because if we get caught then I get kicked out of that class refferal and Im not aloud to do a computer class again
  3. V3NOM

    Mythic Map Pack

    Ya i know But athrun said he did it with his friends... Ill check his bungie.net stats to see if its real *edit yeah he hadd em
  4. lol Well said. And Lewie, Go buy a dev kit. I dont care anymore. We were trying to help you from waisting your money on a useless peice of brick. And when you get that useless peice of brick call me so I can come over to your house and hit you with that brick; and maybe that will nock some sense into you.
  5. I said I would have. But I like this site, its a good site just needs some tweeking.
  6. V3NOM

    Mythic Map Pack

    Dont worry T34 and Dark. I said I had one for VIP. Im trying to create a system of how to transfer the account. Yeah I think I am gonna give 2 to VIP. But before I do that I have to see if it works period (getting an account and downloading it on another xbox, Athrun said it worked for him)
  7. Your the only staff who is active anymore, besides peaches and hes been busy with ipb3. And allegedly flamed? Even a BLIND person could see how bad im flamed by dodobrapper and Joe Walls (not as much as before) Seriously. I think we need more staff. Your lucky ive been gracious lately since its lent. Because if I would have been banned again, I probably would have done something bad to this site. I almost started to hack the site and just ban all the spammers and add my own staff.
  8. As some of you know, the mythic map pack was released to "special" people and people in japan. Well me being impatient was set out to find some accounts that have the mythic map pack. Well I found some. I will be giving away the email and pass of an account to a normal member who is active, non-flaming / spaminng, and helpful. Also I dont like butt-kissing. Even though it is nice at times. One way you could kiss my butt would be to make a powerpoint template of the lebron james chalk clap. I would like it for a entrance to a powerpoint presentation. Thank You, V3NOM PS: I actually have MOST of the info to 2 other accounts which one ill be selling and the other ill be giving to vip. And all the accounts ill give away I make them unjackable because someone else might want the mythic mappack early kinda like me. And thanks to KD he gave some info to my first account which got me going.
  9. sorry for lag double post.
  10. I think that its stupid. I get put to blame when im constintly flamed by the new members. I dont just flame for nothing. If someone is spaming or flaming thats when I do something. You guys gott it alll wrong. See, I wouldnt have to ever flame if the staff would just do there damnn job. And anyone who has been in the shoutbox lately would see how there is no staff governing it. We need to Reset the Staff if you ask me.
  11. welll who were the people who got it? post GTs and ill recover them see if I can download the mythic mappack and if I can Ill share with you guys
  12. I wasnt flaming I was just saying bye... wtf
  13. heyyy nice work!!! keep it up... ill help look when done with homework
  14. k bai
  15. w00t thats hawt!!!
  16. V3NOM

    Crazy Avatars

    http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/shishka/avatar-body.png shishka http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/me/avatar-body.png me (literally...) http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Snipe%20is%20rippin/avatar-body.png actuall pic of SotG Caboose
  17. V3NOM

    Funny law's

    Utah is dumb Its in the constitutuion
  18. Can a mod move this to offtopic?
  19. mai cats cuter (not actuall cat)
  20. V3NOM

    I has teh 500!

    400 for meh!!!
  21. V3NOM

    Crazy Avatars

    http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Call%20Me%20V3NOM/avatar-body.png http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/I%20iRC%20V3NOM%20I/avatar-body.png http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/iTZz%20BaTMaYNe/avatar-body.png http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/Hey%20iTz%20BranDoN/avatar-body.png a few of mine
  22. V3NOM

    Funny law's

    Here are some dumb laws in my state: Missouri -It is illegal to have oral sex.* -Single men between the ages of twenty-one and fifty must pay an annual tax of one dollar (enacted 1820). -Speeding is not illegal.** -If your are under the age of 21 and you have in your possession a empty beer bottle, you may be charged with illegal possession of alcohol ------------------------------------ *This one sucks the most. **w00t!
  23. Can you please make playable mods? Whats the point of random mods? Everything has been done before its not cool.... Make a race track A battle areana Infection map... Come one be creative
  24. havent you noticed that I dont just go around saying that to everyone? I only do it to flaming/spamming nubs thats the code around here: Don't Spam. Don't Flame important members. Don't think you can do whatever you want. Follow these and you have NOTHING to worry about.
  25. V3NOM


    do you remember the gamechanger it would be under sandtrap but its actually avalaucnche? well we attempted that with campaign maps but it ended up not working but you have a dev you could try it...
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