Wow I specificallyyy said NOT to give stupid comments. I want you to tell what you would really do. I think I just might put it on ebay. I just wanted to give it to the modding community
I have recon accounts for Halo 3. And I just want to know how much you would pay for one.... I found ones that dont play xbl anymore so you wont get banned. Tell me how much you'd pay for each account. 1) AK47 Runz Recon Its a general with recon (look at chest) 2) Gamertag Unknown It was a brigader Ill have to post when where I wrote the info. Just post in this format: 1) $100 2) 3 : 12 month live memberships BE REALISTIC! Just put for real how much you would pay. This is to help me in pricing them if I were to sell them.
Its a cool pic, but you did a bad job on it. You can hardly see the text. Be more creative with it. Do what other people dont. I would put a background of like stars behind the grind text with like graffiti.
Wrong Section. I think the name is dumb. Background doesnt fit in. And typically in Logos use the initialls not the whole name.... It would look cool if the insides of the text wasnt fadded like that.
Ideas: -One is a list of ip's kind of faded in the background and then in white FBI font it says "HBIC" kind of small then under it "Head Booter In Charge" alot bigger. -The other is quite simple. Like a cop siren/ lights or whatever and it says LiKe a SyReN -Or just do something with for SyReN with something you can think of that relates to sirens (like a tornado siren in the front with a faded picture of a large tornado in the back...*I like tornados) -Something related to venom. Like an Xbox 360 Controller dripping in venom or some other object related to me (Halo 3, Xbox 360, Hacking, Hostbooting,MLG...) Thanks In advance V3NOM
Lol. Ive seen that exact setup on youtube. And there is no sidecar. The lights arnt even on on the xbox you took a picture of. Looks more like a scammer spent 5 minutes looking up a dev kit, found a horrriiibbbllleeee picture, and decided to rip people off. Get more pics or GTFO.
Wow. Banned because a random flipped out when I posted a Objection link thinking I was trying to hack him/ give him a virus. And then I told him with completely obvious sarcasm: "Halo3, I really want to hack your account." I dont know. My suggestion is that you need some form of IQ test or question to answer before you are able to join the site. *An older V3NOM would have hit the site offline.