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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. wow I dont have to have your permission to have your ip address lol
  2. yeah I forgive you as long as you realize that they do deserve to be banned
  3. V3NOM


    wow im pretty sure that 99% of important active members would rather have no new members then have a bunch of new spamming/flamming members that think they could do whatever they like And yes your a nub And yes Ive been in your party So yes I do remember your gt And yes I do have a working telephone next to me I suggest you watch your next few words
  4. wow its turned into the vip real members vs the spamming nubs well someone (staff) needs to chose 1) They would rather have it back to the old ibm WITHOUT SPAM 2) They would rather have no good members just a whole lot of spamming nubs
  5. V3NOM


    if you really mean it and promise to never do it again i except your appology
  6. V3NOM


    lolololol i just pissed mai self some 5 year old wants to beat me up whats your xbl gamertag im making an example of you since joe walls is to big of a pussssyyy to give me his or join my party
  7. V3NOM


    I did gave him a chance its not like as soon as he joined i just flamed him No it happened more like as soon as he joined he spammed and flamed old members we didnt just pick his name out of nowhere hes been spamming here for at least a week so gtfo if your to retarded to let some noob walk all over you you dont deserve to be a member here or a vip none the less
  8. V3NOM


    and this woulldddd NOT be treating him unfairlyy he comes to this site and just flames and spams for NO reason right now this makes the staff look horrible for not doing anything and makes ibotmodz look vunerable..."Oh look let me join this site so I can just spam and they will never ban me"
  9. V3NOM


    wait hes leaving? yes thats 1 of 3 and khaos shut up you told me a milllliiiiioooonnn times over xbl how much you hate joe you wanted me to jack his xbl account
  10. woot happy birthdayy
  11. V3NOM


    no the caboose thing was an exmple and thanks for posting that i tried copying for evidence but it didnt work and i cant take cpu screenies
  12. V3NOM


    please ban § Joe Walls § geomodz dododabroper pleaseeeeee they spam 24/7 *edit* Here is proof thanx to KD http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/monthly_02_2009/msg-1775-1235095240_thumb.jpg sign here if you think they should be banned like this or
  13. V3NOM

    Need a recorder

    you cant hack noob lol
  14. V3NOM


    not smart you cant even resign (noob) and stop hatin? who would be hatin on you? lol your prolly the biggest noob out of every whos active and your not black
  15. V3NOM


    very nice just keep up the work you should try the campaign in custom games
  16. V3NOM

    How to gamesave

    nice copy and paste there are alreaddyy tons of tus on it anyway if lil nicky is to lazy to even look he doesnt deserve a tut
  17. V3NOM

    My GT

    how about U n R e a L xUn R e a L i DOM iNaTe CaLL Me DoM U n R e a L xDoM iBM DoM No U DoM z D O M DoM iNaTioN
  18. V3NOM


    only works on devs id like to see a vid of this
  19. lol nice generator not that one sucked ballls
  20. if you get one you wont be making free mods youll be crying because you crashed your useless piece of brick you should look up details and figure out how they work and everything before you go buy one if you don know how to mod on a retail you wont be able to mod on a dev noobs + devs = waist of money
  21. bump ive seen multiple name changes of normal members if I dont get one ill just flip out
  22. that hurts me lol bbaaabbyyyy
  23. Cmon Timmy

    Timmy the Teste

  24. ban himmm
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