apple is the company, they make the software and rebrand some hardware. Only thing they make themselves is the case. A Mac is hardware Mac OSX is the software. IOS is the Iphone OS
its a real issue, you hold the phone in the correct way and it stops working(Unless your very close to the tower)If you bought a car and they gave it to you with a broken engine, then said heres some free duct tape and a toolkit, would you be hapy?
Jobs spent a lot of time arguing about just how few customers this problem has impacted. The problem is, as data from several tests has shown, users in markets with decent AT&T coverage (read: major cities, usually) aren't going to notice the drop off in signal when the phone's held. The people who notice it are those in average or lower signal markets, who find themselves going from four bars to a total inability to make a phone call. Just because people with better signal strength aren't noticing the problem, doesn't mean the design flaw doesn't exist. Despite spending so much time insisting the problem wasn't really a problem, in a post-presentation Q&A session Jobs started teetering dangerously close to actually admitting the company did something wrong -- stating that he believed impacted users may be able to get out of their long-term AT&T contracts. Jobs also noted that they'll "reevaluate" the free case approach in September -- whatever that means. Jobs says there will be no new hardware design for the iPhone and called a NYTimes report of a possible software fix "patently false." In short, there's going to be no fix for now, outside of entombing a beautifully-designed glass phone in a hunk of free, ugly rubber. Worse perhaps, the specific problem isn't even going to be fully acknowledged or really identified. Apparently, Apple hopes the lure of new case will shut people up about a problem they claim has been "blown out of proportion" (it's not clear how Apple expected people to react to being unable to use the world's most popular phone to make calls because of a design flaw). The company's nebulous presentation may have done more harm than good. What customers wanted was an acknowledgment of a real problem and a real fix. What they got was a free case, some high grade bullshit, some waffling on whether or not the problem is even real, some whining about the press, and a slideshow.
he made a more recent one then the one your thinking of, and at least he has his, I must have asked everyone who is still on the scene and NO ONE has theres, not even god damn deehunter.
seriously, how many times has my wii failed from a surge? 0. how many time has my pc failed? 0(though i use a cheap surge protector for more outlets ) how many times do your other appliances and electronics fail due to surge? SURGES ALMOST NEVER HAPPEN. Only during lighting, in which case unplug the damn console :/ If you cant do that or use a 10$ surge protector then you fail at life.