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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. bungie actually helped gearbox with the halo pc port.
  2. it doesnt fail, it just wasnt as good as it could have been. Win 7 is god
  3. just like any n00b mod old story is old
  4. Yea, we were playing halo pc in my enginering class to demonstrate networking (best class ever) the "keygen" gave keys that weren't valid on lan, and keys that were identical. Even if it was a gen, if bungie used it enough eventually it would spit out duplicates.
  5. in the lobby you can view campagin progress etc
  6. you are gulliable the "gens" only had a list of about 25 keys. Bungie will simply use the gen numerous times untill they stop getting unique keys and they will blacklist them.
  7. are they diff rewards? I played the last day of halo 2 and have a legit halo pc key.
  8. and wheres homer simpson?
  9. Thats the spirit, and more and more people are talking this point of view Perhaps you'd consider open sourcing it?
  10. actually we could survive forever, since bandwidth resets each month This is just pathetic
  11. I thought you disabled it so they could only view text and not images. they are attempting to rape your bandwidth by text? that would take years!
  12. yes typical, he needed step by step instruction, complained about a free game, had a lisp, and was to retarded to realize his mac had a crappy video card.
  13. gruntmods

    Xbox fix

  14. you can play by your self in campagin using gamesaves, and you can mod user variants. What are you trying to do?
  15. Ill make a patch file.........
  16. gruntmods

    Xbox fix

    Thats why hes banned
  17. ODST does. hopefully reach will work.
  18. gruntmods

    Xbox fix

    Whats the point of you logging into the site?
  19. gruntmods

    Xbox fix

    or do none of that and buy a new xbox.
  20. Its coming back to firefight in reach.
  21. that convo was probobly with halo 3
  22. There are those who said this day would never come. What are they to say now?
  23. mail them over
  24. gruntmods


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