do what I do, buy xbox live from people online. I got 12 months for 20$ last year. This year I bought some 1 months for 1$. Pargy also gave me some (thanks pargypie)
This is the new Jtag im getting. The audio is busted but im getting it free so I cannot complain. -Xenon -Xclamp and no previous RROD -External Sata Mod -Orange LED
yes they do, the client is what utilizes the connection the seeders are providing. They manage throttling etc. how is the gui shit? theres several to choose from. my bad about the seeders I misread the pic you pay for those though.
1. Crappy torrent client, use vuze 2. it has 4 seeds, so crappy torrent 3.800kbps is what most servers limit you to downloading at anyway so that it wont saturate the connection
I doubt it is, unless hes referring to games for windows live security checks, which shock already altered People make these things up so often, apparently jester can jtag any xbox, and he can hack th Microsoft server......
how is that easier? If your doing alot of pictures and have a slow upload, or if you don`t have xbox live this is much easier. Or if its a picture taken on a jtag.
Ok guys, im going to be showing you how to use the screenshot extractor in Grunt Modder to extract your screenshots from a CON to a jpg image. Its rather straight forward so here we go. Tools you will need: 1GB capacity or higher USB Stick (You can use an hard drive as well if you are familiar with how to transfer files from your hard drive and have the equipment) Halo Reach Grunt Modder Please note this tutorial was written on the version of Grunt Modder that was availible at the time. Before reach is out the newer version will be out and will be slightly different, but nearly identical. First you will need to update your xbox 360 (If it isn't already running the USB update), simply connect it to xbox live and you will be prompted to update. After a semi lengthy update, plug in your Usb device and go to memory. Click on your Usb device, then select configure. Your 360 will format your memory stick. (If you have data it might be erased, so I suggest backing it up first.) After this is completed, go to your hdd and copy the data to your Usb. (In this case you want to copy the screenshots you want to extract) Then unplug the usb after this is completed. Plug the Usb into your computer. Open Grunt Modder and go to the utilities. Select USB XTAF Explorer (The hard drive icon) Click on the menu and select "open drive" Navigate the file structure until you see the screenshot file you copied. You can either drag or extract one file at a time (multi file support was kind of forgotten about, we have that fixed in the next update) for this tutorial I will right click and hit extract. Pick a location and hit save. Close USB XTAF Explorer. Go to the games tab and open the Halo Reach Screenshot Tool. Click on the menu and select "Open" Choose the file you extracted earlier. The program will open the file for preview. You can also view and edit the gamertag and description of the CON file, but we will not do that in this tutorial. Click on the menu and hit "Extract". Choose a location to save the image and if you want type a name for it as well. Your done!