yea, were gunna use your rehasher too we already have a version in gruntmodder, although clk made changeds to it almost every whitepaper has those values
Someone has been spreading an infected file claiming its version 1.1 Its funny, as there isnt a version 1 yet. Do not download from anywhere except Edit: Updated to reflect 0 is really "Unlimited". DLL files were also bound to the exe. Same dl link as OP.
Hi, its been a while since any Halo related program has been churned out of GruntMods, and im proud to announce our newest application for Grunt Modder is coming along nicely. Its called “Killing Spree:Halo CON Editor”. Right now we are beta testing some gametype editing, but we hope to add screenshot extraction/injection and film modding. You can grab the download Here This is an early beta, give me feedback!
Except i ruins xbox live so yea, we don't give a shit. In fact im trying to get bungie to improve the auto ban to detect RTH. Doubt I will be able to contact the( with the herds of fanboys always emailing them) but i might as well try.Jtags were never intended for live. Its the reason they were secret for so long. Kids today are spoiled brats who think they are intitled to things they hold no claim to.
what are you saying? COD is also for ps3 and wii.......... Its made by a crappy publisher, at least bungie ironed out a good deal with them. Halo 2 never needed a good pc, a graphics card that supported dx 9 is hardly high end. I played it lag free on a pentium dual core 2.2ghz and an Nvidia 7300 GT. Hopefully its a decent port with a full map editor without AI stripped. And hope fully a healthy graphics update.