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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. Because they are idiots. And I play invasion, big team battle, team slayer, etc
  2. You don't rank down though, and you get 1000+ a game so its not hard to earn.
  3. you mean not having a strobe light or shit your floor?
  4. That sucked dick, and you have a clear level of skill when you play.
  5. gruntmods


    I don't mind it, especially if the menu stops lagging.
  6. More like common sense.
  7. gruntmods

    iPhone 4

    Which the creators recommend you don`t use if possible......
  8. gruntmods

    iPhone 4

    I might get an iphone 4 on friday, so if its still broke ill help.
  9. not that you would ever want to go back....... and how is it impossible to rank up? Its easy but takes time, like it should.....
  10. You need an xbox that hasnt been updated since summer 2009 to do the jtag hack.
  11. I say manually scrape the server. If they do not let you use the API then **** them. As for the site, if absoultly needed I can pitch peachy.
  12. couple thousand is enough lol.
  13. are you helping with the map still?
  14. Then fill out a real application.
  15. I still understand the need for riot police. If it were you rmeeting would you not want the most secure premises possible?
  16. The respect of the people who are actually doing a review.
  17. "Cause I iz kool" Is not a good reason to be accepted. We might add one, but new game tools come first.
  18. maybe an actual application would fare better then what you entered.....
  19. at the g12 a crowd flipped a police car, in fact the riot police didn't even do anything, they formed a line and didn't attack.
  20. are you kidding, did you see the crowd?
  21. Ok guys, we have a preview copy release date. Mark Friday October 1st on your calender, as thats when the first taste of the preview is available. Anyone approved for a review copy will access Friday, everyone else will get in on the action Monday. All copies will deactivated on the 9th. (1 week from the review copy release) This is a good chance for us to test the application and get feedback from you guys. We are still working on the app, and expect an update or two while the program is active. Follow us on our new twitter account: As always, the website is https://www.gruntmods.com/Xbox See you all soon.
  22. Freedom of speech does not include destroying cars.
  23. not sure if I will catch you online, so I uploaded a recent version as I posted this. Keep the map the same, but clean up objects so they fit neatly together.
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