If this is true, this defeats one of the key aspects of console gaming, the fact that you can just pop in the disc and play, without any DRM or installations. The PS3 already has installs, and now it will have serial keys as well. This will also effectively kill the used game market, as well as the rental market as well (for the PS3 anyway). This will also hurt anyone who wants to play the game offline, as they will need to activate the game before hand. No matter how this goes down, it will be a huge loss for consumers.
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If this is true, this defeats one of the key aspects of console gaming, the fact that you can just pop in the disc and play, without any DRM or installations. The PS3 already has installs, and now it will have serial keys as well. This will also effectively kill the used game market, as well as the rental market as well (for the PS3 anyway). This will also hurt anyone who wants to play the game offline, as they will need to activate the game before hand. No matter how this goes down, it will be a huge loss for consumers.
Seems like a silly idea, anyone who plays it likes the game, and anyone who doesn't demands radical changes that would upset the people who do like it.
your doing it wrong, if you dont format the usb as a memory card and drag the files on it will run. Use a fat formatted USB and drag the file on, then plug it in.
I do not understand how an encryption key is protected under DMCA, I do not think they will get anywhere with this no matter how they claim damage was caused.