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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. thank god they killed the old ones use.
  2. YAY! now we just cure it millions of more times! Easy right?
  3. wow, this old thread brings back memories. Welcome to the site you two! I have an Iphone 4, If I change im going android.
  4. If you want we can link to each others sites to help our page ranks.
  5. unless the scientists get aids.
  6. Theres not really much else that could be done for us to work together. Sorry if I sounded rude.
  7. Peaches says he doesn't want to work with me to keep the site relevant. Grunt Modder and Ibotmodz are not affiliated in anyway/
  8. Its still locked.
  9. It will still be years before we make a cure.
  10. the posts about aids?
  11. They cured one instance. Its going to be a very long time before we develop an actual cure.
  12. Not after the xbox 1 GPU disputes im afraid.
  13. Am I the only one who dislikes the game?
  14. In the Egyptian release of "jaws", it was forced to be renamed "Jews"
  15. no, it worked fine, the only thing I needed to read about was spawn zones, everything else worked.
  16. And egypt is blaming the jews for shark attacks.....
  17. It worked without me reading anything........
  18. I still wish he was banned again.
  19. How is invasion complicated?
  20. I will not eat green eggs and ham, I will not eat them sam I am! DO NOT SHUTDOWN THE SITE FOR ANY REASON! KEEP IT CLEAN!
  21. I guess its time to riot! Oh wait.... Im sure they would profit from that somehow.
  22. mmmmk
  23. lol
  24. I love it, its my favorite halo yet.
  25. this is why I dont believe in these complaints, everyones is complaining the opposite of one another.
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