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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. You can edit it like any other variant. It knows check, but not checkmate.
  2. spam bots?
  3. no comments?
  4. Remember april fools last year? When bungie claimed they were making a chess game mode for reach? Bungie does, which is why they released an official chess variant to the community. It appears that it utilizes bump possession, and does not have a checkmate thus forcing players to rely on the honor system for certain aspects of the game. Get your fix here: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=15992988 Heres a video from rooster teeth explaining how to play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2FrLwkgLZk&feature=player_embedded View full story
  5. Remember april fools last year? When bungie claimed they were making a chess game mode for reach? Bungie does, which is why they released an official chess variant to the community. It appears that it utilizes bump possession, and does not have a checkmate thus forcing players to rely on the honor system for certain aspects of the game. Get your fix here: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=15992988 Heres a video from rooster teeth explaining how to play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2FrLwkgLZk&feature=player_embedded
  6. do both, make forum comments appear in the article.
  7. You need to install some files and use a launcher.
  8. gruntmods

    Site Move

  9. gruntmods

    Site Move

  10. Thats based on points, that wasn't reset.
  11. Both, every playlist has players as rank 0 if you have yet to play since the reset. Add me i made it to 85 on 1v1 leaderboards http://www.gruntmods.com/images/Top%20100.JPG
  12. 343 Industries is offering a bit of a treat to Halo Wars fans this week. Yesterday was the launch of Title Update 6. In addition to the new update, all the Halo Wars DLC is on sale until tomorrow, and a leaderboard reset will follow. There has never been a better time for someone new to pick up the game, with a new copy selling for $20 in stores. Title Update 6 Changes: •Grunts now do more damage to air units •The Scarab now has 25% more health and does 25% more damage •Gremlins now requires 2 reactors to be built •The Arbiter now takes 25% more damage while raging •Hunters now focus their Assault Beam much faster •Brute Chopper is more effective vs. air Bug Fixes: •The Cryo/Reactor Glitch has been fixed •The Multiplayer Lobby should now work better for people with misaligned controllers •Y-Abilities should no longer have their cooldowns reset erroneously •Profiles that had problems accruing points in Multiplayer should now be able to gain points properly •Theatre fixes Get the DLC!: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/news/blog/halo-wars-dlc-extreme-shopping-sale/41329 View full story
  13. 343 Industries is offering a bit of a treat to Halo Wars fans this week. Yesterday was the launch of Title Update 6. In addition to the new update, all the Halo Wars DLC is on sale until tomorrow, and a leaderboard reset will follow. There has never been a better time for someone new to pick up the game, with a new copy selling for $20 in stores. Title Update 6 Changes: •Grunts now do more damage to air units •The Scarab now has 25% more health and does 25% more damage •Gremlins now requires 2 reactors to be built •The Arbiter now takes 25% more damage while raging •Hunters now focus their Assault Beam much faster •Brute Chopper is more effective vs. air Bug Fixes: •The Cryo/Reactor Glitch has been fixed •The Multiplayer Lobby should now work better for people with misaligned controllers •Y-Abilities should no longer have their cooldowns reset erroneously •Profiles that had problems accruing points in Multiplayer should now be able to gain points properly •Theatre fixes Get the DLC!: http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/news/blog/halo-wars-dlc-extreme-shopping-sale/41329
  14. you build things. You need a shelter first off if you want to survive nightfall (bad guys spawn in the darkness). Its a sandbox game, the goal is to build things and aquire better tools. For example, you can craft a crafting table to get started. http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Crafting
  15. download it then....
  16. The combined heat from my pc and xbox are cooking me alive in here
  17. http://www.minecraft.net/ classic mode is free.
  18. me, no.
  19. seen it on the Rooster Teeth facebook page, good shit.
  20. Better be careful, idiocy is contagious.
  21. nope, you can have it triggered by the AR button or other actions I believe. You could also use a fly anywhere code if teleport needs a door.
  22. Its way easier to mod by using a usb stick and adapter.
  23. He likes slow game servers and pulled demos.
  25. Use a teleport code to send you to a regular area.
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