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Everything posted by XXlMODDERlXX

  1. rofl!omfg... bungie cant stop us from geting out of the map! lol and standoff is the easiest to get out of..
  2. i was both at once..and im still proud to say i was The Pro Modder of ibotmodz
  3. hmm... 3 billion friends: 1,435,245,144 points...lol
  4. i havent really decided my dream..but what do u guys want your dreams to be?
  5. aw..this happen to dads friend excepts it was herione (sry if i spelt wrong dam type editor) very sry im sure he will be missed
  6. dude thats awsome and i got to be in some clips! w00t!
  7. huh..mabye it sounds like they would do that
  8. you never know because mabye bubgie figured out some way so that we cant get these new maps so dont get to happy
  9. You might be thinking ''wdf soccer in halo3?'' well yes butts not kicking its hammersing! Bungie has annouced that they will add a soccer ball to halo 3 in the new maps ( Foundry) here is there topic and some pics. Pictures: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3996-400.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3996-401.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3996-402.jpg Thanks
  10. sad how they couldnt spend a little more time on halo 3 i wonder what the next bungie faliure game will be...
  11. i give u 100% on how halo 3 is just stupid its just a few little upgrades and some shiny s*** and thats it thats all there still modding standbying boosting host boosting and ect. and they said they could stop it? i mean wdf dude they dont do very well..
  12. ohh! we should make it so u have to sign up to see the forums or is it already like that?
  13. im sure steven will help you
  14. because bungie is stupid and dosent think twice about the smart ppl that get past there whole ''fixing problems''
  15. ok thanks but i was trying to remember the one blacklabelfosho was talking about before, he told of the game because he was so inactive...he said it was awsome
  16. im looking for a good rpg but not like runescape or adventure quest like just somthing to pass my bordem around.. so if u know anything good please tell me


    i think this has already been posted.. or mabye im wrong but still nice
  18. The only reason halo 3 isnt much better from halo 2 to me is that there are new ppl that can play like pro but in halo 2 u have to play hard and it was much more hard then halo 3
  19. what do u do?
  20. ohh sry i didnt check the date and it was like 4 topics down so i thought it was new =]
  21. Heres a cool pic i took, -Night Riding- http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/3589-428.jpg
  22. its awsome! i swear bungie sucks at making trying to stop us glitch!
  23. Also Here is a download with all those teleportals set up and everything. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?postID=14635328 Made By-dyepntballa22 [youtube:xjc5i650]C25sdY2lSIE[/youtube:xjc5i650]
  24. alot of glitches are useless..mine just wierd...
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