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Everything posted by XXlMODDERlXX

  1. were did u get thet pics for the fourms like that? and for the xbox 360 live section get a 48 hour picture
  2. nvm i got all the skulls but i still need help with terms so black u still want to help? but i got to wait for my box to come in so ya
  3. i think i might have to download since my 360 is broke it will help me wait for my old 360 to come in
  4. sry for double post but i didnt want to edit so i thought this would be good for gfx section hope its not 2 big http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2104-712.jpg
  5. well iv got 2 xbox 360s and both of them broke around a year.. just goes to show what mircrosoft is going with there xboxes
  6. i dont know i got bored and i found this for halo 3 news http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2088-716.png just trying to help
  7. ya i can delete it its just that when i move it to like another folder and try to delete it it will say acesse denied
  8. i thought u died? lol
  9. lol whos the guy u used in the sig?
  10. i wish there were still clans.. i dont know why they took clans out
  11. i dont know how to moad a 360 lol and i dont plan 2


    but i thought sight was all the way done?
  13. i havent gotten the chance to try this yet but i want to but 360 is kinda busted right now
  14. um well the only 2 things iv got is StopSign and Zone Alarm Pro
  15. wow looks cool im sure noobs that dont know how to do this will be please
  16. why not i like it! is it just because it already has like the textures in the backround or what
  17. ok i got the render i just want u to make the rest dont cair what colors there are but try to use a firey red or somthing with this thanks, http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2004-732.jpg
  18. wow very nice no scopes caratti add me on xl Gamtertag is-
  19. Yes my computer is on Admin Status
  20. ok when i try to play a disk in my xbox it gos ''errrr'' then some times it does 2 ''errrr'' if it does 2 it wont read my disk and it bring me to a white screen saying '' put this disk into a 360 console'' or it just keeps bringing me back to the menu but sometimes i get it to read it after turning it off and on and doing the whole thing with the white screen. i really dont know what wrong and iv been almost driven to hit the thing! cany help! EDIT: sry i didnt c the xbox 360 section
  21. well it just dosent happen to pictures it happens to all my files when i try to extract them or bring them some were else
  22. Hmm...mabye i the great XXlMODDERlXX will figure out the ''purpose'' of this skull
  23. *sigh* we may never know what happened...any ways i finally beat halo 3 on legendary! lol!
  24. ok so how do i clean my cash and iv already tried restarting my computer that dont help
  25. ok iv had my computer for about mabye 2 or 1 years and theres a problem with it, when i and exctract stuff and then once its extraced like say a folder that had a sig in it i would bring the sig to my desktop once im done extracting it in my documents and i will get this little pop up saying access denied or if i try to delet it it says the same things-heres a pic- http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1878-754.jpg any suggtions? also the sig isnt in use...
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