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Everything posted by XXlMODDERlXX

  1. rofl yay
  2. hmm it looked like it could of been hard how do you not know how long you spent on it lol
  3. sorry for the people that play wow but wow is the biggest nerd game ever................................................i mean even south park made fun of it because wow is so nerdy lol and it cost loads of money just to buy the game win runescape costs 5 dollars a month..runescape all the way..
  4. wdf is wrong with you lol?
  5. shoutout box moderators
  6. lol it came from the top of my head so i used it
  7. finally! some one that will post! thanks idk i just came up with the idea and i have got chapter 2 done now here it is
  8. idk i got the idea from a site i go to but i think we should add some if the moderators cant do it already and if they can then..idk just a suggestion right?
  9. ooo wiis suck...they barley have any good games except super smash bras
  10. what would be the first thing you would do if you got recon from bungie?
  11. yay thanks guys cookies for all!
  12. dam that sucks..
  13. yo this is xxlmodderlxx and iv seen posts already on it on the main websites i go to
  14. ya i would do it if i had a ipod and a ds but i dont =
  15. ok ya kinda silly but im making a story, iv got to wait for more memory so i can download photoshop and make sigs like i wanted to so heres the beginning and please dont laugh if i do get it complete it could become successful heres chapter one (might make it longer)
  16. lol it was a cheap computer so my dad bought it and its because my cleaner program was running at the time and it was cleaning it out
  17. what are switches?
  18. ohhh sorry people it was my program cleaner it was really 118 lol it gave me 7 more GB of free memory you can close this sorry every one
  19. ok i need help! i have not downloaded anything and look how low my computer memory has gone!!! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/17439-565.jpg i dont know what i did but i dont get how it got that low!!!help!
  20. lol nice snails best work iv seen in years
  21. well for my free time i just skate around and then if i get bored go on the net and soon all be making sigs in my free time
  22. um idk all have to ask him
  23. sorry he needs Photoshop he didnt really explain to me
  24. hi im modders friend and he needs cs3 or cs4 which ever one is better, if you could post a the link to one and the crack that would be nice thanks
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