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Everything posted by XXlMODDERlXX

  1. sry but all some one has to die is get a stupid suicide and send it to bungie bam recon..dont know about flaming helmet and u know i bet there are like 5 bungie staff that play halo 3 and suck balls at it my friend played 1 and he said the guy was yelling at him!lol
  2. ok become and elite and do the no weapon glitch http://ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=52&t=902 once then u may stand still,throw a grenade,or punch and it will be like campaign its wierd.. thanks
  3. spartant your good i c your 35 in highest rank ok all make a website soon so try to get other ppl to recrut and i will get leaders and other things
  4. ***** is starting to get dry if u know what i mean that rarley talk about things now...
  5. its not just as simple as that because halo 3 modding is so hard and bungie might of already found out about that and figured a way to stop it
  6. awsome send me a friend reuqest gamertag is in sig all have to make a website soon thought -.-...
  7. I will soon be making a Halo 3 Clan and it will be called -TeamXtreme- i may need some help so if u want u can join up but for the mods parts u must have a higher rank then 35 thats the frist and most importent one. Thanks and just post or pm about it
  8. damm your hella late,modding for halo 2 has been for ever..now if only we can get some halo 3 mods..and not cheating mods!
  9. Ok,iv just got word from ***** that some one has figured out how to make a complete modded disk for halo 3 and that the tut will HOPEFULLY be posted soon but be warned! u will get banned for life from halo 3! all post more if there are any more updates also i dont know if its real or not sooo ya..
  10. rofl its glitched its so hard to mod halo 3 not alot of ppl know the microsoft kepairs..
  11. it needs pic man i would of gotten some but im not the modder i was before
  12. i want to c the race track on rats nest i herd it was good
  13. wait wait wait...how did u get recon?
  14. im a lvl 40 in lone wolfs and a 36 in team slayer and a captin grade 2 but halo 3 is sooo boring now i have been playing assassins creed now
  15. ya fire fox works so how do i messenge you? or what?
  16. ok..well i went to my internet explorer folder and i dont know what to do there and i would download firefox but when i like like a download bar or somthing pops up the same thing so do u have a msn account or yahoo? so u can send me it plz =]
  17. Ok when i try to download somthing or go to another website like ibotmodz it says this http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2769-542.jpg Any help and also this is why iv been so inactive =[
  18. aw yes ok coolio then welcome!
  19. wow u talking to me?...
  20. i ban u for banning him
  21. i would if my xbox came and it was supost to be here today!!!AWWWWW!
  22. i like the main menu but they all just look like the same models and weapons all together
  23. could we change the name instead of karma like rep or thanks i dont like ''karma increased''
  24. man! i cant wait for my xbox 360-they said it was done with repairs and now all i have to do is wait three days and im on the third day and it hasnt come..lol
  25. dude..if it did work..every one that cant get a xbox 360 would call you god
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